Chapter one - The Call

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I turn my head to the right looking at my clock that says '07:00' and groan, as I know  I have to get up now or I might just lay in my bed till noon. After doing my mundane morning routine, I decide to go for a run to clear my thoughts.
I graduated from NYU after studying music in hopes of becoming a singer and sharing my gift of songwriting, however quite clearly it isn't going to plan; It's been two years since I graduated and I'm still living off my parents money- which I'm indeed grateful for, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to sustain this.

As I'm running through my local park I take a moment to pause and catch my breath before I run the last half, Locating a nearby bench I sip on my water and people watch, wondering what they are doing with their lives. My eyes particularly stay fixated on a family of three, where the small girl in pigtails is feeding bread to the ducks, swans and geese. The supposed mother and father gaze into each others eyes before retreating their attention back to their child, as the woman hugs at the man's waist, I quickly avert my eyes elsewhere and latch onto a few more people before deciding to get a coffee and some breakfast instead and just walk back to my apartment, so I can enjoy the L.A sunshine.
I stroll into one of my favourite cafes 'mange tout' and order the egg and avocado on sourdough bread, and my usual flat white, which has been a staple since University after spending endless hours writing up music coursework. Settling on a seat by the window, I check my phone seeing my usual 'good morning' text from my mom, and then proceed to finish off eating my breakfast.

Just as I exit the door, my phone starts ringing and I look at the caller ID, and see that it's my cousin Charlotte. "Thank god! Y/N what took you so long to answer?" She spat out rather like she was in a hurry. I muttered a quick 'sorry' before I replied
"Anyways why'd you ring me? Are you and your husband bickering again" I teased.
"Ugh rude. But no. I'm actually in a small crisis and I really need your help... please".
Hang on did she just say please? Oh she really must need something from me.
"Charlotte you know I will always help to look after your kids if you're busy with work, they're little angels even though they do take after-"
"Y/N, it's not that, there's actually been a hiccup at work, and I would really appreciate if you could help me". Charlotte responds. I mean what's the worst that she could hit me with? She pauses before taking a deep breath and then says
"I really need you to help with assisting an A-lister celebrity. She's never had an assistant before, but she is a really nice woman, and could do with an extra pair of hands as she has really increased her fame in the past 6 years. I know it's a big ask but you'd really be helping me out!"
I sigh, contemplating what to say next.

This isn't what I want to do at all, I want to be the one having an assistant. But after reiterating the information she just reeled on me, I think that this could also be used as an opportunity to step foot into the music industry. Charlotte speaks up again, "I know it sounds like a lot but the contract is only for 8 months whilst she's shooting a new series and helping her with the press tour. Not only this but her manager is offering a pretty good wage."
I bite my lip in thought, and before I start to overthink it I simply muster "okay fine I'll do it, On one condition".
Charlotte squeals "really! And yes I'll do anything y/n, really whatever you want you name it."
" I want you to... nothing I don't need anything I was just kidding" I smirked, she knows I hate people buying stuff for me.
"Well y/n, I really do thank you. I will tell her manager and we can set up a meeting so you two can officially meet and sign the contracts". I hum an Okay, before realising
"Wait who is the celebrity?"
"Oh she's Elizabeth Olsen". I furrow my eyebrows in thought, that name rings a bell but I can't quite remember if I actually know who she is. I then spoke some small talk with my cousin as I made my way back to my apartment.

Nearing my home I end the call remembering to write on my calendar that I have to be at Creative Arts Agency LA on Saturday for 9 am. Walking through the front door, I grab my laptop and flop onto the sofa, opening up google. "Elizabeth Olsen" is entered onto the search bar and my eyes widen. Well I wasn't expecting for her to be that beautiful. I shake my head and scroll down to only find out that her sisters are of course the Olsen twins, that's why I've heard her name. Unfortunately to my disliking, I see that she is engaged to a musician called 'Robbie Arnett'. Despite this, he could be an asset to helping me with my career, I ponder on the thought. Scrolling and watching a few of her interviews, I get a rough idea of what Elizabeth likes and dislikes, and my cousin is correct in saying that she's very nice. Although the interviews don't give any in depth detail about her personal life, which is understandable, I think that I will soon find out what she's like in person.
I look at the clock mounted on my wall and audibly gasp, it's already 5 pm. I order a Chinese takeout and decide to watch a movie before calling it a day and heading to bed.
Well, this certainly wasn't how I expected my day to end, but at least I have a job!

Hey guys welcome to my new book, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter - which is a lil intro to what this book is going to be.

Also I've never written a full story before soooo sorry if it's not as good as others!!

The Assistant Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora