Chapter six - the Olsen trio

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I open the car door for Miss Olsen, and then I settle into my seat. The show starts in an hour, Miss Olsens house is only 30 minutes from the venue, but I knew she would want to be there early so she can see her sisters, and she doesn't do well with big crowds.

Before I pull out of the driveway I put on my usual playlist, Miss Olsens eye roll not going unnoticed, I rack up the courage and ask "something wrong with my music Ma'am?".
Miss Olsen turns her body towards me and states "nothing... it's just you listen to the same playlist, why not spice it up once in a while?" She says with a huff and turns her head back to her window, and I now start to drive toward our destination. Now feeling vulnerable about my music taste, I switch it to the radio and the song " set fire to the rain" by the goddess Adele comes on and I can't not sing. However I haven't ever really sung in front of Olsen before so I start off singing quietly

I let it fall, my heart
And as it fell, you rose to claim it
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me

Miss Olsens attention was now focused on the windscreen view, taking glance's at me, but she never looked me in the eye. I started to realise that she hasn't judged my voice yet, so I raise my voice to my normal volume and carry on not daring to look at her, afraid that she is going to judge me. I'm now nearing the end of the song.

I set fire to the rain
Watched it pour as I touched your face
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screamin' out your name
Your name
I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
When we fell, somethin' died
'Cause I knew that that was the last time
The last time

As soon as the song ends I let out a nervous breath and sigh "what a banger". Miss Olsen now looks at me with disbelief and replies "y/n- what- where, you can sing?" I chuckle at her shocked expression and say
"Well that kinda was the whole reason I came to LA. I write songs and I sing too. But turns out I'm either not good enough or the world just doesn't want to know me.. yet" I answer truthfully to her, realising that this probably is the first piece of personal information I've told her.
"Well y/n I believe it to be the latter. Because miss L/N you can sing. And you have a beautiful voice" she says with a small smile. My cheeks heat up from the compliment. Great.

I decide not to sing the whole way there, but as we are etching closer to the venue I can see Miss Olsen start deflate more and more into her seat, and she starts playing with her rings on her fingers, I carry on driving as there's not much I can do at the moment. I go to pull up to the front of the location and see that Miss Olsens leg is now bouncing up and down in her seat, whilst looking at all the fans waiting outside for all the A listers to arrive. So like the good assistant I am I keep driving down the street, "y/n what are you doing?". I don't say anything for a moment as I turn down a little road concentrating. "Miss Olsen I'm trying to steer you away from the crowd". And I find a place to park down this quiet street.

I thought that this would help her anxiety but it's infact getting worse. Her breathing starts to pick up, and she closes her eyes looking like she's about to pass out. "Hey hey hey, Miss Olsen, you need to breathe. Can you open your eyes for me please?" I calmly request, placing my hand on her trembling ones, gently rubbing my thumb up and down, ignoring the tingling sensation rippling through my body right now. She squeezes her eyes tighter and shakes her head no. So then I gently take her hand in mine and place it on the left side of my chest. "Breathe with me please. In and out. In and out." She can feel my breathing pattern and slowly tries to replicate it. "Good. You're doing so well, do you think you can open your eyes now?". She nods her head and she opens them maintaining direct eye contact with me, she still hasn't calmed down yet. "Well done. Now name 5 things on my face". I remove her hand from my chest to my face so she can point it out to me.
Miss Olsen gives me a hesitant look, but she takes a deep breath and shakily begins "your nose" she drags her fingers up to my nose. "Eyebrows" copying the same movement. "Cheeks" swiping the pad of her thumb across it a few times, the tingling sensation in my body remaining, and getting stronger. "Eyes" she says with a small chuckle as she didn't want to poke my eyes. "And your lips" she finally moves her hand to my lips touching them briefly before quickly removing her hand off my face completely. The feeling now evaporating immediately, I too also let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.
" thank you. How did you know how to do that?" Miss Olsen inquired.
"Well you're looking straight at a girl with lots of anxiety, my therapist actually taught me that technique it's a pretty common one. She showed me this on the first session after I was cheated on yknow with Florence and Hailee. I came into the office in hysterics and this seemed to help me so I thought I'd try it".
"Well thank you again".
"Any time Miss Olsen, like I said I am here to help, no matter how big or small the problem is". She nods.

I get out of the car first checking for any people or paparazzi, and once we are all clear, I open the door for her, and walk towards this security guard, meaning we must be in the back entrance.thank you intuition. "Hi I'm here with Elizabeth Olsen, for the Rows show".
The body guard mumbles some words to the walkie-talkie and eventually he nods his head and opens the door for us, I mouth a thank you,and here we are.

As we walk through the door, we are met with another member of security "hi Miss Olsen, would you like me to show you to where your sisters are?" He kindly offers.
"Yes please". Miss Olsen and I walk through to be what looks like backstage and we enter one of the green rooms.

"Lizard!!" The twins squeal and pull her into a massive hug. Wow they all look the same, except Miss Olsen is quite a bit taller than her.
Once they pull away I now have two pairs of green eyes on me. Oh god I thought one pair was intimidating. "Liz, who's this stunning woman?" One of them asks, wiggling her eyebrows, Making heat rise to my cheeks.
"Ashley! That's my assistant Y/N L/N."
So that must be Ashley. The other twin Mary- Kate , comes closer to me and sticks her hand out for me to shake which I return as she states "well it's nice to meet you y/n I'm Mary Kate, but you can just call me MK, it's good to see Lizzie has finally surrendered into getting an assistant! She really did need the help" I smile and look to Miss Olsen and see that her face has got an annoyed look on her face. I can't help but smirk a little that she gets worked up by her older sisters teasing. She catches the slight curl in my lips and speaks up "something amusing y/n?" My face drops, and I shake my head
"No miss Olsen sorry" I say looking down, I've been on her good side all afternoon and I don't want to risk spoiling it. So I stand quietly not daring to talk again until spoken to, whilst they all catch up.
"Right Lizzie, me and MK need to go now and make sure all the models are ready, why don't you and y/n take a seat out there as we will be starting in like 10 or so minutes" Ashley says. Miss olsen nods and then pulls them both into hugs and says "break a leg". I go to shake the twins hands but in the blink of an eye I'm pulled into an Olsen cuddle "y/n this family, are huggers" MK chuckles. I giggle nodding my head, "well good luck girls" I reply with a little wink, making Ashley blush, a smirk now forming on my face again.
"Come on y/n!! Hurry up you don't want to make them late" Lizzie says angrily.
"Okay, okay,okay I'm coming let's go." I huff, annoyed with her childish behaviour, I've done nothing but help her today and she still gets moody with me.

After sitting down I soon realise just how many other famous people there are, such as Gigi Hadid, Margot Robbie, Kendall Jenner, Taylor swift, Jodie comer and oh my fucking god is that  Billie eilish? Stay calm y/n, stay calm. Miss Olsen notices me shifting in my seat and says "you good there?". I nod my head slowly before practically whispering, not wanting to cause any attention towards me as it's quietening down   "yes ma'am I'm okay it's just I didn't realise just how many famous faces they were gonna be. Not to mention my celebrity crush Billie mother fucking eilish." (A/n just to say that billie and Lizzie are a similar age in this book, both older than y/n :)) )
Miss Olsen rolls her eyes, "y/n grow up, this is your life now, you need to sort out your little girl crush, before we start I can't have you making us look unprofessional." I don't say anything due to the lights dimming just after she finishes speaking.

I watch in awe of all the models showing off the twins looks. Ive never been to a fashion show, but i am so amazed by how all of this operates. All of the looks they've created are incredible, this is truly once in a lifetime experience for me, and I remind myself to thank the girls later.
We all give a big round of applause and MK and Ashley pop their heads round the curtain, and come out and thank everyone for coming to watch the show.
Miss Olsen and I stand up, and I get my keys out thinking it was time to get ready to go after saying bye to the twins, "y/n you do know we're not leaving yet?" Miss Olsen states. I quirk an eyebrow in confusion "there's always an after party" she sighs.
"Oh okay sorry, miss I didn't realise!" I reply.
"You don't have to stay I'll just get an uber back to my house".
"Nope Miss. not happening, I'll take you home, I don't want you to take an Uber late at night, I can't let you get hurt!" I grumble putting my foot down. She seems slightly taken back by my stubbornness as I'm usually quite compliant, however she snaps out of her soft gaze at me and replies "well let's go y/n, I need to get drunk"

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