ii. how not to get dragged on a deadly quest, (not so) helpful guide by Aster

Start from the beginning

"Where is Annabeth?" Aster chirped in.

"I sent her to check on Percy's bunk. I'm sure you as well, will help him familiarize and settle in cabin eleven, won't you?" The way Chiron looked at him, easily shut him up. Aster just nodded.

"Marvelous! Grover, can you take Percy inside the house to acquaint him with the rooms? I have an important matter to discuss with Aster."

"Yes, yes, of course! Get up, Percy, come on!" Grover fisted his hand on the boy's shirt and yanked him up. A not finished can of coke in his other palm.

"But wait, I didn't even–"

Chiron and Aster's eyes escorted the boys until both of them disappeared behind the wooden door.

Aster didn't like the change in Chiron's voice. He had a gut feeling something's wrong, and that too pleased grimace of Mr. D did not help whatsoever. He shuffled his feet.

"Aster, my boy, do you remember our previous conversation in my office?" Chiron began, slowly selecting the words he was using. Aster nodded, and his dark locks swished around his tanned face.

"Yeah, about the quests and yadda yadda."

"You see... There was a change of plans," The older man's eyes dropped in shame. "Your visitation request was not approved."

Aster's heart sank to his stomach. He waited all this time in hope to finally go back to his house, just to be denied in the end?

"But Chiron, I was supposed to see my aunt!" He yelled, and Aster was sure even Percy and Grover had heard him. Chiron unfolded his arms, dejected but stern. This was not an ideal solution, but it had to somewhat serve its purpose.

"Mr. D has declined your request."

"What?!" Aster turned so fast, he almost lost balance. Dionysus simply slurped on his diet coke, sitting comfortably on his chair. " What the hell?"

The god just grinned, pointing a finger at Aster's chest.

"I hate arrogant pricks like you, Antonio, you really thought I'd make it easy for you?"

"But you can't do that! He can't do that..." Aster's vision began to blur. "I've waited a whole year to go back home, Chiron, please!"

Chiron wheeled towards the distraught boy, putting his wide and calloused hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Aster, but I've already called Miss Rosaline and informed her you can't make it this time."

"But why? I don't get it."

Before Chiron could open his lips, Mr. D burped.

"There will be a quest, plainly that Peter boy has to go on it, and you are going as well to make sure this self-destructive kid comes back alive. Clear?" He scratched his beer belly.

"Mr. D you could have used more proper words." Chiron pointed.

"There is no point in avoiding the meritum. It's not like he has a choice anyway. Keep it short and simple."

"But I have already said I do not want to go on any quest," Aster reminded. "And why me? Just send Luke, he has more experience."

Chiron hummed and stroked his bushy beard.

"When that may be true, you succeeded in all the missions assigned to you. You made sure to keep your companions safe, and you know when it's better to avoid confrontations. You were born for this, my boy. You value others' lives above your own, and that's a noble trait."

"So what, if I were a narcissistic bastard you wouldn't send me? That's bullcrap."

"Aster, I'm afraid your dear friend is determined to be included. Will you let her go alone, without anyone looking out for her?" His fists were so tight, Aster could feel the skin breaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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