He seized the opportunity to shove against the woman with a loud grunt, snatching his dagger, and right as the Vetala turned back to him, he plunged the dagger into her heart, his eyebrows furrowed as his lips pursed in concentration. 

He twisted once without mercy, and the monster let out an agonizing screech.

Her body wilted, rotting with lightning speed, now reflecting that of her partner across the room.

The silence that followed was thick with adrenaline and the metallic tang of blood. 

Dean pressed a hand against his neck, rubbing it softly. 

Sam stood slowly, his hand on the side of his head. It looked to be oozing a fair amount of blood, but relief etched the lines on his face as he gazed at the decimated Vetala. 

Serafina stood in the center of the carnage, her whip coiled back around her arm, a grim satisfaction settling on her features. 

"That," she drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "was almost fun."

She started to dust away the crumbled body parts of the Vetala, watching as they almost disintegrated like ash, turning into a thick pile of dust. 

Dean, ever the smartass, managed a cough and a weak grin. "Almost?"

Serafina chuckled dryly, "Almost." 


As she crossed the room, she involuntarily reached out to pat Sam on the shoulder reassuringly, and he smiled after her as she made her way deeper into the little cove.

"Harper, you can come out now. It's Serafina!" She called out encouragingly.

From behind a large crate, she saw two eyes peer out warily, but upon seeing Serafina, the little boy hopped out from his hiding spot and ran quickly to her. She crouched to meet his embrace as Harper landed in her arms roughly, nearly knocking the wind from her. 

"Are the monsters dead?" He whispered with a tinge of fear in his voice.

"They're all gone. You did so good!" She responded soothingly with a small smile gracing her lips as she nestled against him protectively. 

Relief flooded her body as the kid clung to her with gratitude forming in his eyes that welled up from the ordeal and spilled over, falling against her shoulder as he buried his face in her neck. 

Traumatized didn't even begin to cut it. 

With a check-up and a brief stay in the hospital, the boy would be fine - physically

But with what he had experienced, Serafina knew it would take time to process and heal from the emotional and mental trauma.

He pulled back and looked at her face with concern, "You're hurt," 

Upon instinct, Serafina gently touched the goose egg that was already blossoming on her cheek from the sucker punch. She licked the side of her lip and tasted the familiar tang of blood.

"I'll be okay," She nodded reassuringly. 

And she would be. 

By tomorrow, the bruising would already be fully formed, and by the following day, it would already be fading, blending in with the color of her skin tone.

She seemed to heal quickly and bounce back quicker than most people she knew. Her immune system worked at an alarmingly fast rate, something she had just chalked up to being addicted to juicing and eating her veggies.

The four of them made their way back to the entrance of the railway tunnel, Harper snugly pressed against Serafina's hip as he wrapped his arms around her. Saving children came as second nature to her, so she didn't mind that Harper clung to her.

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