Serafina couldn't split her attention between the two monsters - she'd have to focus if she wanted to come out of this alive. 

They were big boys - they could handle themselves. 

The collision with the blonde pushed Serafina back into a stack of old crates, her dagger slipping from her grasp in the chaos. 

They were all hands, blow for blow, as the Vetala snapped viscously at her neck. A sharp crack against Serafina's cheek gave her pause as her vision wavered, but the second one that came right after from the Vetala only fueled the fiery rage that lived within her as a hunter.

She felt the edge of those glistening teeth scrape against her neck momentarily. 

Serafina recalled the image of the little boy's sneakers sticking out from under the blanket. 

The body of Myer's boy was a catalyst for Serafina - she drew strength remembering what she was here to do and that without hunters like her...more lives were at stake. 

Serafina summoned every ounce of strength, using the crates as leverage to forcefully drive her head into the Vetala's, the impact splitting open the monster's eyebrow and sending her stumbling back

As the Vetala staggered back, dazed and disoriented, Serafina seized the opportunity to retrieve her dagger, her eyes ablaze with determination. 

She crossed the distance between them faster than the monster anticipated, her foot struck the inner corner of the woman's knees, a bone-crushing movement that sent both knees to the ground, a screech of rage erupting from the woman's lips.

For good measure, Serafina used her free hand to strike the woman across the face, the crack echoing in the small space. The blonde staggered back, eyes fluttering open in surprise. Capitalizing on the momentary disorientation, Serafina followed with an unforgiving kick, sending the monster sprawling on the concrete floor.

Serafina straddled the Vetala, her dagger a silver needle aimed at the creature's chest. The blonde's eyes, now glazed with fury, snapped open, focusing on Serafina with predator-like intensity. 

But before she could react, the blade plunged through her heart, a sickening crunch against muscle and bone. 

The Vetala gasped, her surprise morphing into a grimace of pain as her body contorted, muscles spasming before withering away. 

Within seconds, only a desiccated husk remained.

Across the room, the other Vetala pinned Dean against the wall, her clawed hand digging into his throat. He choked, eyes searching, desperately looking for an escape. 

Slowly regaining consciousness amidst the chaos, Sam spotted a glint of silver – Dean's dagger – at his feet. With a surge of adrenaline, he nudged it, sending it rolling over to Dean. 

Dean's eyes flickered toward the glinting knife that came to rest against his shoe. 

Serafina, like a predatory cat, sprang into action. 

Her enchanted whip cracked like a gunshot, wrapping around the Vetala's clawed hand that was ready to strike Dean. The runes burned and weakened the monstrous flesh it connected with. 

The Vetala shrieked, momentarily distracted, her grip on Dean loosening.

The creature turned to face Serafina with a horrifying gleam of horror. Her serpent-eyes locked upon the body of her partner laying like a corpse on the ground, their pack mentality making it a crushing blow for the monster to witness. 

"Now, Dean!" Serafina shouted.

The Vetala's eyes widened in a menacing rage.

The moment was all Dean needed. 

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