Everything is fair in love and war

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Anxiety. Have you ever experienced it? Racing thoughts, sweaty palms, heart pounding out of your chest. It feels like every worst-case scenario is playing out in your head at once.
It’s an overwhelming, dreadful emotion. And for those of us who confront it regularly—it’s exhausting.

Taehyung's anxiety came like after a decade...He was doing good in life...He was happy with whatever he had..He forgot those moments of his life which were like thrones of his flower like life..


Life is like a game of chess.
To win you have to make a move.
Knowing which move to make comes with insight and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are acculated along the way.We become each and every piece within the game called life!

Taehyung's step father came again to play with his life.. Taehyung was the puppet and his step father was the master..


How fearful that past was!!

How fearful those memories were!!

Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over, until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an edge to cut you..

Taehyung locked himself in Jungguk's room and crying non-stop for past two hours..Those scary memories where he was locked in the dark room,where he was beaten up continuously,where he was called mental when he was normal like others,where he just got one time meal for a day..

Those cruel evocations!!

Kim Dongu, Taehyung's step father's harsh manipulative words were ringing in Taehyung's ear and he was continuously beating his ear just to stop that...

He needs someone...He needs him..He needs Jungguk..

Ohh!! How peaceful Jungguk's arms are!!

Taehyung wants to go Jungguk right now but he can't..He just wants peach like he was having before his step father's appearance..

"Jungguk.. Jungguk... Jungguk.." Taehyung continuously was chanting Jungguk's name as he wanted to Jungguk appear like a fairy out of nowhere..

The hearing of the court is finished.. Jungguk never thought that he would get the custody of Gaeul after one more hearing..This time he is lucky..This time he realized Creator answered his wish..As So Yun didn't appear and the evidence Jungguk presented at the court against So Yun and her family,it was almost cleared that he will get the custody of Gaeul..

He is so happy..The grin on his face isn't going at all..He wants to share this news to Taehyung as soon as possible..He talked with his lawyer about the next hearing..He finished the talk soon and got into the car..He knows that Taehyung is missing him so much and his two babies are currently playing with each other must be!

Jungguk fasten the car speed just to reach to his two precious loves..

After twenty minutes, Jungguk has reached to his home..He got down from the car..His hands are occupied with lots of packets.. Pizzas, chocolates,muffins and ice cream of course!

Jungguk rang the bell and the new nanny opened the door..He gave the packets to the nanny who just smiled little.. Jungguk felt the house is so quiet..Where is Taehyung?

Usually Taehyung runs to him whenever Jungguk comes from outside..Today was big day and Taehyung wasn't there..

"Where is Gaeul and Taehyung?" Jungguk asked the nanny..

"Gaeul is sleeping..And Taehyung.." The nanny stopped when it was about Taehyung..

"What happened with him?"Jungguk is feeling anxious now..

"Someone named Kim Dongu came when you went outside.. Taehyung was so scared after seeing him..I came when I heard the man's voice..He was so strange and he was giving me negative vibes..I heard that he was Taehyung's step father and he was telling Taehyung that he would take him with him..After that he was gone and Taehyung started to trembling..I took Gaeul from his arms and tried to calm him down..But he ran to your room and locked himself..I tried so many times to talk with him but I just heard his sobbing..I tried to call you but your phone was off.." The nanny finally told the incident for which Taehyung was afraid of..

Jungguk didn't stop for any moment..He ran to his room and when he got there he heard his love's painful sobbing..

Jungguk was finding the key of his room from his moneybag like a madman..He always keeps his room key with him..For any emergency..

Jungguk found it and opened the door as soon as possible..

The scene was so gut-wrenching.. Taehyung was on the floor and crying non-stop..

"Love.." The first word came from Jungguk's mouth..

That one word was enough to make Taehyung turn to Jungkook and it happened..

Taehyung saw Jungguk..

His peace...

"Ggukie hyung.." Taehyung whispered and started to sob more..It was like Jungguk's presence made him more vulnerable..

Jungguk ran to Taehyung and engulfed him on his arms..The sobbing sound increased more..

Jungguk doesn't have to ask Taehyung anymore what happened with him.. Taehyung's tear is telling him that how much Taehyung is in pain..How Taehyung is hurt..

"My baby..I am here..Shhh..No more crying..My love is strong..My love is feisty..Nobody can scare you...Your Ggukie hyung is here.." Jungguk was telling all the sweet words to Taehyung just to calm him down..

Taehyung looked up with red and puffy eyes..Tears are falling..His lip is wobbling .

"They will take me..I don't want to go..I want to be with you.." Taehyung said and cried..

Jungguk's heart clenched after hearing the vulnerable's voice..

Jungguk will do anything to punish that person who hurt his love...

He isn't weak like his past..

If it is Taehyung's step father he has to fight,he will fight...If he has to punish anyone for Taehyung he will do..

Everything is fair in love and war...

Everything is fair in love and war

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To be continued~~

[ Hello Eunoia..These days I was not well and I was taking a break from everything..My panic attack always gives me hard time..

I am taking sleeping pills just to sleep..I hope I will be well soon🫶

Sorry for late uploads..I wanted to present about anxiety and fighting against of anxiety..I hope I will express how to fight with panic attack in this story..Just wanted to represent my condition..]

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