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Although everyone prefers the exciting peaks and positives in life, sometimes we must deal with deep emotional challenges and obstacles. And when those low points in our lives happen, it can be hard to be optimistic or hold on to your usually happy nature. Whether you're dealing with the loss of a friend or family member, the end of a relationship, getting let go from a job, or another difficult moment in your life if you have someone to share everything you can feel better...

But from Jungguk's childhood Jungguk didn't have anyone except his parents.... Jungguk was so kind hearted and bubbly boy in teenage but he is no more like this....

Jungguk used to love make friends but his every friends didn't stay longer...He didn't know why this happened to him everytime...He loved to talk..He loves to do fun with friends but those friends didn't think him as same...

Jungguk could do anything for them but they used to think Jungguk as outsider in their hearts... Jungguk's parents used to make him understand maybe those friends were not good for them but Jungguk started to think something was lacking...

Something he had lack inside of him.. Because why everyone left him alone without saying or doing anything...

Depression needs one solid thread to tie you around depression world....And that time it happened with Jungguk...One day Jungguk cried in front of his former friends because they were treating him like an outsider...And Jungguk began to cry...

They laughed at him....They called him as crybaby....

But a teenage boy can cry right??

A teenage girl can cry right???

A smart girl or boy can cry right??

Crying is a process of opening your bottle of emotions.. Crying is a process of healing...Crying is a process of sensing your emotion... Crying is a process of seeing your state in your life...

A human can cry where and whenever just to let out his pain....

Jungguk's parents taught him all these but why they were laughing at him...Should he not cry??? Should he not make friends anymore?? Was he not perfect like them?? Was he not friendly to have a friend in life???

Wasn't he???

"Some friends don't understand this. They don't understand how desperate I am to have someone say, I love you and I support you just the way you are because you're wonderful just the way you are. They don't understand that I can't remember anyone ever saying that to me. I am so demanding and difficult for my friends because I want to crumble and fall apart before them so that they will love me even though I am no fun, lying in bed, crying all the time, not moving. Depression is all about If you loved me you would."

Jungguk thought as this because he thought them as his real friends but reality was different...

If you see Jungguk now,you will feel so many differences between teenage Jungguk and adult Jungguk....

He believes now changes are necessary...

Strong mind set it necessary....

Friends are not necessary anymore...

He has to survive alone by his own...

The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life’s cruelest irony..Sometimes you have to stand alone just to make sure you still can.

"Hey Jungguk" Jungguk's thoughts broke by Jin's voice...

Jungguk looked up and saw Seokjin was looking at him with a face of 'what happened'

How many times Jungguk tried to hide something from Seokjin or Hoseok but they always helped him on his lowest days...

"How much?" Jungguk asked...

"Total 1120 won.."Jin replied and handled Jungguk the plastic bag of groceries...

Jungguk paid and came outside...Winter has come...Soon snow will drop... Jungguk's nose and eyes became red because of cold wind...He put a muffler around his neck but he is feeling he will get sore throat soon...

Jungguk has reached to his home...He remembered he put Bam outside before going to do shopping...He walked fast and soon stopped suddenly...

Bam's one ear inside of Taehyung's mouth and Bam was on Taehyung's lap....

Bam's one ear inside of Taehyung's mouth and Bam was on Taehyung's lap

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To be continued~~

[ I know this part is short but I was feeling low just like Jungguk...I just portraits some of my life's part....You know I was writing this while crying...I am feeling so depressed because of reason...I thought around me all are think me same what I think about them...Maybe I have lack of something that's why many things happened with me...I wish I had someone who can read my mind and think as me...I wish..

Anyway I hope this part doesn't disappoint you]

FOREVER ENTWINED HEARTS [TAEKOOK] ✅Where stories live. Discover now