Chapter 5 : -

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And here it continues......

John : - Hi sandy ! I am thankful you are here after our toxic stuff.

Sandy : - Yeah , okay ! Stop now I don't want anything to remember as I have a new boyfriend and I am enjoying with him. And why you called me ? Is there any thing I could do as you can do anything and everything as you said.

John : - Pls. No past stuff ..
Yeah so she is Jessica my new girlfriend.

Me : -  For one day ..

John : - yess.. okay , okay , for one day she is my girlfriend.

Me : - ( thinking) is she his ex ? And if yes why they broke up and then why he called her after that .

Sandy : -  Hi Jess , I am Sandy nice to meet you. Actually I am John's ex girlfriend and Yeah we broke 1 year ago and it was not working out between us so we broke up as thing were not like that what I wanted .

John ( triggered ) : -  Like you were doing well and what about my thing that I wanted different. 

Me : - okay guys cool down . But let me know why are you here Sandy if you don't mind.

Sandy : - I also don't know . He said it was urgent..

John : - Well yes. I just want to tell that pls. Tell Jess how to be my girlfriend and how to act with me around my family.

Sandy : - why me ? You have Lila also to tell.

Me : Who is Lila now ? ( rolling eyes)

Sandy : - His 2nd girlfriend after me of only 1 week .

John : - I found out that she was having a boyfriend and only for money she was with me .

Sandy : -  Let it be now !  Okay so you have to act like you love him so much like you have to hold his hand for like whole time . And say " I love you " in every 5 minutes like he does anything for you , you have to say it. And I don't know about kisses but it depends upon you . If you want you can .

Me : - ( in mind ) I would kiss him unlimited time if I want .
( Loudly ) : - No  I can't  .

Sandy :- That's fine . 

( A phone rings and sandy went without saying bye )

John : -  You have to cooperate with me as your phone is with me.

Me : - Yeah ,  Ig .

John : - Suddenly John started starring me like so weird. 

I freaked out. So I went to washroom. I took out my 2nd phone and logged out my instagram and he was left with only the phone . Then I again got seated next to him .

John  : -  You look like hot mama while doing martial arts. My sexy bitch when are you going to show me your martial arts skills.

Me : - Want a demo ? I can do it right now.

John : - No I am fine . Just be ready at 8 o'      clock I will be there under your apartment. And be on time.

Me : -  I am always ready before time.

          Then emma and Raven stood up and went out . John and I was confused,  we paid and went out to see them . They were waiting outside . Then we said bye to each other and I winked at John and went. We went home and slept . I was too tired . I woke at 5 :30. Did some practice and was too guilty as I missed my shooting practice.  I called my dad and told everything.  He said no worry you just go and body guards would be there as marriage attenders. I  took a shower and got dressed and was totally ready for marriag of someone i don'tknow at all . 

My dress : -

My dress : -

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( I hope you liked this . Pls tell of there are any grammatical mistakes )

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 09 ⏰

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