CHAPTER-18 Making Tough Choices

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I woke up feeling anxious after a tough decision I had to make about my grandmother's surgery. I hated being in this situation and it made me afraid. Even though I've never been scared before, deciding about my grandmother's life made me feel helpless.

I got ready for my meeting with Dr. Vincent, the surgeon.

While driving to the hospital, my best friend Ian called

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While driving to the hospital, my best friend Ian called.  we greeted each other  and he asked about my grandmother's condition. I had told him about the meeting with Dr. Vincent,  before, and he assured me he would support whatever decision I made.

After our quick chat, Ian had to end the call because he was in London for an important business deal on my behalf. Ian and I are both working on a big project together, which is our dream project. He owns an automobile company and is a very successful businessman. 

Ian is more than just a friend, he is like a brother to me. he's always by my side and helps me in every situation.

When I arrived at the hospital, I met Claire, who told me Dr. Vincent was busy with a surgery and would see me in an hour. 

After thanking Claire, I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast. So, I asked her for directions to the canteen. She kindly offered to take me there herself. Once we arrived, Claire left for some work.

Inside the canteen, I went to the reception and ordered a Ristretto and a sandwich for myself. Soon, my order arrived, and I found a table to sit at. As I sipped my coffee, I took in the surroundings. 

The canteen had a lovely interior with greenery, and there was a lively atmosphere with doctors, interns, and patients enjoying their food.

The canteen had a lovely interior with greenery, and there was a lively atmosphere with doctors, interns, and patients enjoying their food

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After finishing my coffee, I checked my watch and realized it was time for my meeting with Dr. Vincent. I headed towards his cabin, lost in my thoughts. 

Suddenly, I nearly collided with the same female doctor I had been thinking about earlier. She was in a hurry, talking on the phone and rushing towards the lift. 

Once again, I couldn't see her face, but just her presence eased my mind somehow.
I reached Dr. Vincent 's office, we greeted each other and I sat down.
He asked about my decision regarding my grandmother's surgery, and I told him I agreed to it. 

Dr. Vincent explained the medical process to me and gave me documents to sign for permission. Normally, my father would sign these papers, but he's always busy working and hasn't spent much time with my grandmother, especially when she was in a coma.

Signing the permission form felt difficult, but Dr. Vincent reassured me that he and his team would do their best to help my grandmother.
With a glimmer of hope, I signed the papers, trusting that my grandmother would get better with their help.


As I made my rounds to check on my patients in the hospital, my mind was occupied with various medical concerns. Being a doctor meant constant movement, endless patients, and never enough time. Today was no exception.

Suddenly, my phone rang, and I received a call from the emergency department informing me about a medical emergency. Without hesitation, I swiftly made my way towards the emergency room, my heart racing with the urgency of the situation. 

There were so many noises in the hospital—beeping machines and people walking quickly.

As I hurried through the bustling corridors, I accidentally collided with someone. In the rush of the moment, I couldn't see the person's face clearly, but there was a strange familiarity about them. 

It was as if I knew them from somewhere, but the chaos of the situation prevented me from dwelling on it further.
My priority was reaching the emergency room as quickly as possible to attend to the patient in need.

I rushed to the emergency room where I found two patients in critical condition, Mr. Johnson, an elderly man, and his daughter, Sarah.

They had been in a car accident, and Mr. Johnson had suffered severe injuries while protecting Sarah.

As I assessed the situation, I realized that Sarah needed immediate medical attention.

Sarah has a heart condition, and her heart is close to failing. We urgently need a new heart for Sarah's treatment.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, despite his own critical condition, Mr. Johnson begged me to save his daughter by using his heart to ensure her survival. He understood that time was running out and saw this as their sole opportunity.

I felt the weight of Mr. Johnson's request and the enormity of the decision I had to make. I knew that choosing to save Sarah meant losing Mr. Johnson, but I also understood the depth of a father's love for his daughter.

In the end, I made the difficult decision to honor Mr. Johnson's wish. With the help of my team, I prepared for surgery, knowing that by transplanting Mr. Johnson's heart into Sarah, I could give her a chance to live.

Despite the sadness of losing Mr. Johnson, I worked tirelessly in the operating room to save Sarah's life. Thanks to my team, the surgery was a success, and Sarah's life was spared.

As I reflected on the day's events, I felt a mix of emotions—sadness for the loss of Mr. Johnson, but also gratitude for the opportunity to save Sarah's life.

I knew that I made the right decision, honoring Mr. Johnson's selfless sacrifice. I vowed to continue doing my best to help as many people as I could, even when I faced heart-wrenching choices.


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