CHAPTER-16 Awakening Bonds

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Alaric cautiously entered the room, the soft hum of machines filling the air. As he approached the bed, a person lay in deep slumber, surrounded by a web of wires and monitors. It was his grandmother. His heart sank at the sight of her, motionless and connected to life-sustaining devices.

With a heavy heart, Alaric gently held her hand, the warmth of his touch contrasting with the clinical chill of the room.

"Grandma, please wake up. It's been years. Please open your eyes. I miss you so much," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of longing and desperation.

The emotional weight of seeing his grandmother in this state was palpable, and Alaric wished for a miracle - for her to open her eyes and recognize him.

His grandmother had survived a past trauma, but the injuries had taken a toll, plunging her into a deep coma. Alaric remained steadfast, waiting patiently for the day when she would awaken from her prolonged slumber. Time seemed to stretch endlessly as he clung to hope.

A nurse entered the room, breaking the somber silence. She informed Alaric that the doctor awaited him.

Reluctantly letting go of his grandmother's hand, he made his way to Dr. Collins' cabin. The doctor greeted him with a sympathetic nod, and together, they discussed the critical condition of Alaric's grandmother.

Dr. Collins explained the concerning development - a swelling inside her brain that posed a serious threat.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Alaric's shoulders. The doctor suggested consulting Dr. Vincent Romano, a distinguished surgeon known for his expertise in such cases. Understanding the severity, Dr. Collins urged Alaric to make a swift decision.

Leaving the doctor's office, Alaric grappled with the weight of responsibility. He decided to contemplate his next move and the potential decision to consult Dr. Romano.

On his journey home, he dialed his assistant, Dave, instructing him to gather all possible information about Dr. Vincent Romano. The urgency in his voice mirrored the concern etched on his face.

Arriving home, Alaric changed into more comfortable attire, freshened up, and had dinner alone.

Arriving home, Alaric changed into more comfortable attire, freshened up, and had dinner alone

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The solitude allowed him to ponder the choices ahead. After finishing his meal, weariness enveloped him, and he decided to rest, hoping that tomorrow would bring clarity and perhaps a path to help his beloved grandmother.


Estella arrived home at midnight, exhausted after a long day of surgeries. As she entered the apartment she shared with Charlotte, she was greeted by a lively scene.

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Charlotte was dancing and singing loudly, clearly having a great time. Although Charlotte's singing could be a bit much for some people, Estella found joy in her friend's enthusiasm. After the performance, Charlotte shared some news from Estella's father.

He had called to invite them to lunch on Saturday, and Charlotte reminded Estella to call him back. Checking her phone, Estella discovered several missed calls from her father. She had been so absorbed in her work at the hospital that she had overlooked them.

Estella and Charlotte shared a beautiful apartment in a great location, close to Estella's workplace at the hospital and Charlotte's boutique. They often visited estella's father who lived alone. Estella's father treated Charlotte with the same care and affection he showed his daughter.

After refreshing herself, Estella joined Charlotte for dinner. They chatted about their respective days, and Charlotte shared stories about her work with a renowned fashion designer. As they finished dinner, they each went to their own rooms.

Estella lay in bed, reflecting on her life in New York. She thought about the hard work that had brought her to this point, from securing a place at the best medical university in the city to excelling in her academics.

She felt grateful for her father's unwavering support and Charlotte's friendship, which had been her pillars of strength. Estella also thought about their shared history. After high school, Charlotte had joined Estella in New York for further studies.

They had faced challenges together, but their bond had only grown stronger. As she drifted off to sleep, Estella felt content and grateful for the warmth of friendship, the support of family, and the resilience that had brought her to this point in her life in the vibrant city of New York.


Alaric arrived at his office feeling overwhelmed by the day's events when he heard a knock on his door.

He permitted him to enter and found Mia waiting to greet him with a warm hug

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He permitted him to enter and found Mia waiting to greet him with a warm hug. Alaric returned the gesture but was curious about her sudden visit. Mia seemed unfazed and asked if she couldn't just drop by, considering their upcoming engagement.

Alaric had an upcoming crucial meeting and thus requested to delay his conversation with Mia. Mia seemed annoyed and left his office.

Alaric felt relieved, understanding that he appreciated Mia's company but struggled with the sensation of treating her like a life partner.

Nevertheless, he didn't choose to get engaged but rather succumbed to the decision imposed by his parents.

As Alaric was still contemplating his internal conflicts, he was interrupted by another knock on the door. Assistant Dave entered, bringing both his daily schedule and important information about Dr. Vincent Romano, which had been sent to Alaric's email. As Dave left, Alaric delved into the information, learning about Dr. Romano's outstanding achievements and success rates in surgeries.

Determined to explore this potential lifeline for his grandmother, Alaric called Dr. Romano's assistant, urgently requesting a meeting to discuss the critical situation. An appointment was swiftly arranged for the upcoming Saturday, leaving Alaric with a glimmer of hope.

Notifying Dave to cancel all his meetings, Alaric made a decision - he was leaving for New York the next day. With a newfound focus on his goal, he immersed himself in work, determined to ensure everything was in order before his departure.

As the day unfolded, Alaric juggled personal dilemmas, professional responsibilities, and the anticipation of consulting Dr. Vincent Romano.

The path ahead seemed uncertain, but the possibility of a solution for his grandmother's condition fueled Alaric's determination.

Amidst the chaos, the journey to New York promised answers and perhaps a turning point in both his personal and familial life.


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