Cedric diggory

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It's late at night and I already missed my dinner. I can make my own food but I just wanna roam around.

As I'm feeling bored of everything then I suddenly saw "edward"
I mean "Cedric diggory "


Cedric greeted me with a smile on his face, waving his hand slightly at me.

"Is there anything you need?"

I smiled as I came close to him while saying
"Hi, I'm ariana Granger from gryffindor. Are u the 3rd year student from Hufflepuff?"

He is taken aback. This is certainly an unexpected turn of events. He had assumed she was a random student roaming around late night. He has heard about anna Granger but it's not like he knows her.

"I am," he confirms, nodding his head in answer to her question.

I guess from his expression that he might have forgotten about me
"Do u remember me? We met accidentally in the kitchen that night"

"Now that you mention it, I do," he nods, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I recall that we bumped into each other when I was getting my midnight snack in the kitchen, isn't that right?"

I'm too excited ☺️ that he really do remembers me . I controlled my happy thoughts and replied a little louder than expected to him
"Yes "

"You're Hermione Granger's twin, right?" he asks, suddenly curious.

I nodded my head while saying

"I must admit, I am surprised to see you here since I was under the impression that Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were not close at all,"
he states truthfully. He was always under the assumption that all Gryffindors were too arrogant and too full of themselves to have friendships with the other houses.

I'm speechless and don't know what to say as it's the fact. So I thought why not divert this topic instead of making this situation awkward. So I said

"I guess so but I just like to make friends with handsome boy "

The words catch him by surprise and he feels his cheeks heat up. A girl thought of him as handsome? She's clearly not talking about someone else, so she's talking about him?

His surprised face made me doubt if he knows about himself so I asked
"You? don't you know that you are popular in school as handsome boy? "

Cedric's ears go red at her compliment. He's a very shy person, so this is an unusual interaction for him. He remained silent.

When I saw his face changing into tomato I couldn't help myself from touching his cheeks
"Haha u look cute "

Cedric blinks, feeling both surprised by her flirting and embarrassed by it too. He's not used to it. She is a Gryffindor after all and he's just an ordinary Hufflepuff who is shy. What could she possibly want from him?

I retracted my hand and coughed a little to cover up my embarassment after I realised that I actually touched him. So I tried to act casual while saying
"Can u be with me while I eat dinner? I don't have anyone to sit with me in this late hour"

"O-oh...yeah," he nods slowly, feeling rather flustered by this turn of events. She is clearly flirting with him and he feels rather nervous by it. But she's a Gryffindor, one of the popular houses and he's a nobody from Hufflepuff. He's certainly no match for a student as popular as she is.

After looking at his expression. I felt like he is playing innocent infront of me. I definitely remember his proud father so I asked
"Hey!! don't be shy. I heard ur father is proud of you for being hard working and handsome "

The fact that she knows his father is the first thing that makes him raise his eyebrows. If she does know his father, then there is no way she is lying about him being handsome.

"Oh," he says sheepishly, embarrassed by her words. "Well...I do work hard, that is true. And my father is quite proud of me. But I have never thought of myself as handsome..."

I took a step closer to him and asked
"Don't  lie . You never knew that u are handsome. I have seen many girls having a crush on u . "

"A-are you sure?" he asks, starting to gain some confidence now. It seems that she really does think he is handsome, and he likes the way the words roll off her tongue. He has never actually believed people might have had a crush on him, especially since he is shy with most other people.

I started to walk towards the kitchen and  doubt myself if I remembered the wrong Cedric diggory. He was confident and had an amazing smile but now this guy in front of me is too shy.

He follows her into the kitchen, and as he walks through the double doors he smiles at the sight of the house elves working. It's always impressive to watch the creature's work, and he also has a fondness for the hard work that they put into maintaining Hogwarts.

I asked him as I walked towards the chair
"Do u wanna eat something?"

"Hm? Oh. Yeah, I could go for a bite," he nods, his stomach growling slightly. He has been up for quite some time and now realizing he's hungry, as a result.

One of the house elves greeted Cedric and he explained about being hungry and they went to prepare some food for us.I smiled watching the interaction between him and elves.

As he sits down to eat his meal, he feels himself gaining some confidence. Anna seems rather fond of him and she's not as arrogant or full of herself as he had first believed. The house elves' friendliness and how familiar they were with him seemed to suggest that he did indeed come in here regularly to eat.

He quietly ate his meal but glanced at anna from time to time. The more he looked at anna the more he started to realise that she looked elegant even while simply eating. Cedric did have few girls who flirted with him and also sent letters to him but she is somehow more intresting than others. he remembers about the rumours of her pranking twins.

Anna completed eating and said
"If u wanna admire my beauty then u can look at me directly.i Don't mind being watched by a handsome boy."

Cedric was drinking water so he coughed with embarassment as he was discovered by Anna.
" I-i didn't do it."

Anna patted on Cedric's back while saying
"Yeah-yeah, you didn't peak at me at all. I was just kidding. I need to go now so see you later"

He blushed while looking at her and before he realised that he was just coaxing him like a kid. she walked away suddenly leaving him alone in the corridor.

Anna walked away from Cedric and didn't want him to notice that she was just pretending to be calm and natural. If she stayed for a bit long then he will know how hard her heart is beating when she is looking at him.

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