growing up

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Mr.granger pov

My wife named our elder daughter's name as "Hermione Jean Granger" and she is quite proud of herself for naming such a clever name. I named our younger daughter "Ariana lily Granger" . When my wife laughed at me for naming such a simple name .

I just said "I want my beautiful daughter to be simple and happy. Her smile looks so pure so I just wanna give a name which represents purity." Hermione looks healthy but Ariana makes me worry as she cries rarely and sleeps alot. The doctor said it's common that different babies have different growth all I need to do now is just take care of my smart wife and our lovely children.

Ariana pov

Time never stops for anyone. with time I also grew up to be 5 years old old .Today is our birthday so we celebrated but without any chocolates . As my parents are dentist 🦷 it's hard for me eat any sweets.
I cried really hard when they wanted to send me to school. I caused a lot of ruckus like a kid. Even though i love it when someone praise me as genius. I really don't wanna sit with a bunch of kids who make noise all day long.
I was not a smart kid in my previous life but now everyone thinks I'm genius just like my sister. But I know I'm not a real genius because I have previous life memories so I'm just a different baby who acts like a small adult.
Hermione is really a genius.even though she is just 5 but she got good memory power but I think she loves me more than my parents. To be honest she got most of our parents behaviour as she tries to be smart like my parents and cares for me like my dad.

I did not lose hope in magic just because I slept more and failed to do so .so I tried doing another thing which I read in some fanfiction which I don't remember the name properly.
I just said ,

"are there any free house elves who are willing to serve me ?? "

I repeated 3 times in the air but still got nothing.

" it's ok, failure happens".
As i turned around i noticed my sister who was watching quietly .

"Can you make some sound or knock on the door,when you come next time ?"

She asked
"Why should I knock on our own room when I enter? And what are you doing just now?"

I don't wanna act in front of my own sister so I just said
"i just wanna summon some magical creatures to see if there are any magic like those in fairytales"

She just nodded and said "but i don't think there's any magical creatures near us . Don't worry I'll read more books and let you know if there are any "

"Thank youu but don't read all the time. Lets go and eat some chocolates. "

"We can't eat chocolates ,Anna!! mom will not allow us to eat. Our teeth will... "
As always i tried to convince her into eating chocolates. Everyone needs a partner in crime.mainly a smart one .so as a future gryffindor's smartest witch ,she is perfect to do all these little adventures with me in the house.i can't go out yet because I don't wanna get kidnapped by some traffickers or dark wizards. I'm not a protagonist of this world so anything might happen so I won't risk my life just to eat some chocolates in the shop.

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