Chapter VI

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Guardya Academia was its own city.

The front gates were monumental, and through it, people dressed in diverse uniforms and suits walked in and out with haste. Inside, roads and streets led to many places in a labyrinth of concrete and stone — dormitories, libraries, gymnasiums, towers and buildings with the sole purpose of teaching, each belonging to a unique department.

Nora walked behind Mr. Montov and Mya with fast steps, trying not to lose them in the midst of students, professors and soldiers. Her head flipped left and right, delighting itself in all the minor details of smells and old styled architecture that didn't appear old at all.

All buildings rose from the ground in stone blocks in shades of brown, with tall windows shaped like pointed arches, placed in pairs throughout the walls. The ceilings reminded her of home, as they were dark and resembled domes and cathedrals.

Home, she thought, and then shook her head, because the manor didn't feel like home at all.

Because just like Mr. Montov had said, all it took was one step forward for Nora to see them: women. Studying, working, doing something of their own. Each with their clothes, shapes, and ideas. Of course, she had seen Mya in all her greatness, but that... That was so much more.

And just like Mr. Montov had told her, Kavya was a land of nations, and Nora could see it in the people. All of them so different and from corners of the world far apart. And yet, they got along so well there. They walked together, talking about whatever book they held in their hands. They theorised, promised to help not just each other but the world.

Just like Nora was there to do.

In the name of faith, in the name of a never-ending war. It didn't matter.

There, everyone had the same purpose, and how great it felt to soon be a part of it.

A few more steps, and the long building on their left disappeared, giving room for an immense field of grass where groups sat down under shiny trees. Mya waved at someone before launching in a run across the grass.

Mr. Montov glanced over his shoulder with a dramatic sigh.

"Well, come on!" He urged. "We don't have all that, and today is the last day."

Nora ran, then slowed her pace again when she caught up to Mr. Montov.

"The last day for what?" She asked.

"Inscription and initiation."

Inscription, he explained, was the process of enrollment. She'd get an assigned bedroom at a dormitory, a uniform and a student card.

"So if I'd taken one day longer to decide then..."

Mr. Montov finished the sentence for her. "You wouldn't be able to come, even if you begged for it."

It was surreal to think that, just a few days ago, she was on to marry an old Lord of the south. And that she would've been bound to such a tragic fate if her mother didn't tell her the moment she did. Another day of pondering would be so few to Lady Von Kian, and yet so much to Nora.

To some extent, it seemed as if the stars had aligned just for her that night. Nothing was really a coincidence, was it?

Nora was excited to seal the deal and be finally considered a proper Guardya student, to be seen as a member of the community. To belong somewhere and be wanted somewhere.

But what she was most intrigued about was Initiation.

They stopped at a crossroads, and Nora took the moment to inhale deeply. The air in the mountain was shallow, almost as if it was not enough for everyone.

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