First Heartbreak 💔

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Yoichi has all those sweet sweet memories of his first love , engraved in his mind as clearly as the curves of the beautiful face that made it all possible for him . 

Yoichi was a happy in general , fierce in football and shy in personality as a child so, when he was paired up with strong willed and confident Karin who apparently had experiences of a western life Yoichi felt a little overwhelmed. 

So, he came up with a solution to restrict his contact with her upto studies only , just to make sure that he won't end up messing things up between them and embarrass himself . 

But surprisingly after a month Karin started opening up to him and Yoichi realised that maybe she was the best person to be friends with . She saved him from bullies everytime , she always helped him with his football injuries , she started to tutor him on other subjects as well , she would walk him home on days when some girl was trying to get his attention at school . 

They continued with their middle school , working hard in their studies together and cementing their friendship much more throughout the year . Before any of them even realized they were already in junior high and now Karin and Yoichi were best friends .

 Yoichi has a love for nature since always so he opted science or more specifically Biology whereas Karin opted Biology but only to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. 

Yoichi never had any romantic inclination for anyone in his life up until his Junior high but he could feel that Karin held something more than a mere friendship for him. So, when after 2 months into Junior High they had their first Botany field trip in Kawaguchi Botanical Garden and Karin dragged him to the Viola field and asked him out , all he could do was stare at her wide eyed before blushing red upto the tip of his ears. 

Only when Karin had asked him the same question two more times before shaking some life into him on the third try , had Yoichi managed to utter a meek ' Yes ' before he turned redder than the most red colour possible. Karin smiled at him and tenderly held his face and made him look in her in the eye before she kissed him.

 Two years of their school went in the blink of an eye , fulfilled with their laughter and their sweat and tears of harsh studying and many many lovely promises that the young couple made with the only intention of keeping each and every one of them.





 Yoichi can never forget his last day at school when Karin broke up with him saying that she is going to France to continue her studies, hence she doesn't want to continue their relationship. 

Oh , Yoichi had cried so much and begged her to stay in Japan with him , as she had always promised . He asked her not to betray their plans of going to the same university in Japan and then one day of getting married and living together. 

But , she just pulled herself out of Yoichi's reach and left without glancing back a single time . 

Yoichi couldn't fathom their breakup , when only last week Karin had invited him over and they held onto each other the whole day and then in the raining night had they gladly offered their virginity to each other . 


When he dragged himself home and his mother handed him an envelope at the doorstep with glittering eyes and one look at the contents of the letter made Yoichi smile bitterly at the irony of his situation. 

Yoichi was having the worst and the best day of his life simultaneously , when on one hand Karin had dumped so cold heartedly but on another his other love football has invited him with open arms to Bluelock . 

So , he'll gladly go to the love that still wants him .

( I know this chapter doesn't include any of  ' Kaisagi ' content but to keep the story a bit natural that's necessary so my apologies.  But, don't I'll be posting next three chapters together and they will include Michael and Yoichi's reunion so let's just keep looking forward ❤  )

♡ If anyone wanna share their first heartbreak anonymously or if anyone is going through anything like that , please feel free to write in the comments . 

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