Continents Apart

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Isagi Pov :--- 

I wanted Michael to say ' Yes ' to many things in this world but not to this question ,

 not to this fucking betrayal . I would've done anything to hear his yeses for many

 things but never to this fucking nightmare,  like like I wanted to hear his first  ' Yes '

 to my confession , his second  ' Yes '  to playing together in Bastard , his third  ' Yes '

 to live together in Germany,  his fourth ' Yes ' to letting me into his troublesome

 past , his fifth ' Yes ' to meeting my parents , his sixth ' Yes ' to my marriage

 proposal , his seventh ' Yes ' to becoming parents ...and many more between like

       ' Yes ' to getting a dog  despite his pure disgust to animals , his  ' Yes ' to Noel

 Noa supremacy , his ' Yes ' to his jealousy for  Rin and my rivalry and then one day

 maybe just because I am lying on my death bed he would've said , "  ' Yes ' Yoichi 

       ' Yes ' you're better than me " . But how can I take this ' Yes ' to this question ?

 Wow Isagi you're crying , actually Kaiser was right you're weak and you deserve

 what you've got , somebody turned your life upside down and that person mocked

 you since the very start , he told you about his intentions in clear words that he'll

 destroy your life and yet you idiot fell for that person , how pathetic a person can

 really be ? Actually I am sure nobody can be more desperate than you , you're here

 remembering about your plans for the future that you imagined with Kaiser that

 same person who has crushed you just a moment ago , I mean really Isagi you

 were never a looser then why this time , whenever they tried to beat you on the

 field and sometimes even succeeded in doing so but you still did come back

 stronger every every fucking time then why it hurts so much this time , why is it

 impossible to stop these tears , why am I not able to stop myself from running as if

 this run would leave those moments that I shared with Kaiser in the past swiftly

 and this pain would soon be over ....Oh and this pain , why is it so painful and why 

 is it difficult to breath , is this what heartbreak feels like ? Chigiri said he felt it 

 once ......I'll ask him that if he felt like someone is choking him , like he's so  

desperately trying to get some air but that hand won't loosen the grip around your 

throat and you feel like death is near and you're in so so much pain , it aches in 

your chest but even following all this fucking torture , pain , crying  yet you still 

want that one person that caused you all this pain ...Unbelievable.  So , that's what 

do to you ...makes you feel helpless , so if that's how it is then I egoist Isagi Yoichi  

vows never to fall in love in love ....again .

****Isagi Yoichi hasn't realized until now that he's trying to get his home during all

 the running and crying and screaming and here he's lying on the floor of his room

 crying his out , howling like no one is there in this whole world except him , he's for

 the fist time in his life thankful for his parent's absence as they've told him already

 about their weekend visit to his grandparent's house . He didn't even realised that

 he's been crying for 8 hours now until he heard a notification from Ego's chat , he's

 asking him to  sign his Bastard Munchen contract and that he's to leave for 

Germany  today in the evening with the rest of the team and Isagi knew it's time to 

 move on that his true love is soccer and soccer only but despite that love he takes 

 a decision that will that everyone by surprise ..and leave Kaiser in ruins .

Kaiser Pov :--- 

I know I have fucked my whole life with just a ' Yes ' but I will talk to Yoichi and I'll

 tell him that I love him very much and that it was all done by my stupid and

 arrogant and shithead past self so please please forgive me and let me love you

 because I feel like I'll die if I won't be able to love you or to touch you or to kiss you

 or to see your smile or look into your deep blue ocean like eyes . I should call him 

right now ...what it's switched off , ofcourse he's angry so this makes sense but 

 he'll be at bluelock because he's not at party so I should headback to bluelock  

and then bring Yoichi here and ask for his forgiveness infinite number of times and 

I'll tell  him that I love him so much upto the extent of wanting to spend my whole 

life with him , I'll ask him to marry me at once , I won't take any chances for the 

 future , I  want Yoichi and all of him for forever. 

What Yoichi left Bluelock with his stuff but for where ? what should I do ? Should I 

 call one of his friends but no if they got to know about all this then they'll never let 

 Yoichi listen to me let alone forgive me , then then what else is the option ...Oh 

 tomorrow Yoichi will come to sign his contract and then he'll go to Germany with 

 us , I'll talk to him then and all the time in Germany and ask him to forgive me 

 again and again until he does , okay then I've to wait for 5 hours and then I'll 

 confess to Yoichi and everything will be alright ...but before that I'll kill Ness for 

doing this .

*** Kaiser waited whole day but Yoichi didn't come and Bastard Munchen had to

 left Japan with Blueock players who signed with them and what shocked

 everyone was that Yoichi didn't sign with Bastard Munchen and Ego didn't tell

 anyone about his whereabouts and with which team Yoichi has signed , not even

 to his friends , so everyone left Japan with their respective teams and it's time for  

 Kaiser feel the pain of loneliness again..............

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