It hurts 💔

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Ness Pov :--- 

It's been 6 months to that night when Kaiser stopped being Kaiser , he has stopped scolding me or insulting me , up until three months ago he wasn't even looking at me , let alone talk to me . Even now when he is training his ass off for the UEFA as if his life depends on this championship ,  even then he is not here in his body but I know where he is , he has got trapped in that night of the bluelock with the memories of life he lived with Isagi , be it the good ones or the worse one of the last night .  Kaiser keeps on playing those memories day and night in his mind over and over again , as if he is  living those moments again and  he'll die if he forgets even single one them . Kaiser daily checks for  Yoichi's Instagram and Twitter , he has watched all of Yoichi's matches and he knows  every media update about Yoichi's linkage to any girl or guy and Kaiser won't say anything but the thought that Yoichi has moved on and he has found love in someone and that person is not Kaiser and can't be him ever again , it torments him and eats him alive , until there's a new update that Yoichi is with someone new , which relaxes him , it gives him hope that there is still a chance for him to prove his love , when he will meet Yoichi again .  Kaiser knows there well that  Yoichi won't listen to him just because Kaiser wants him to but he'll definitely look at him if Kaiser is able to devour him and he also knows that Yoichi's plays have improved exponentially over the past six months and Kaiser knows he has to train twice and even thrice to devour this new Yoichi and to earn a glare from him .

Kaiser Pov  :---

What's up with these fucker Bluelockers  ? Why are they suddenly staring at their phones and laughing together ? Oh so it's some video of Yoichi , then I should definitely know of its contents and  of course Ness can easily find that out , as  he has grown a bit closer to that Hiori guy so Ness will definitely find out about this video .

Okay , so Ness has told me it's a video of Yoichi dancing with someone and as the party was thrown by Arnault for her daughter's birthday so due to privacy , no media person knows about dance video and all but some guy named Karasu sent this video to Hiori , so let's wait for Ness to deliver that video asap ..

I have been training like a dog for UEFA and it hurts fucking so much..... ughhh...... is this what  death feels like ?  but no I won't slow down , not even a single bit even of it kills me,  because UEFA is the only place where I'll finally be able to see Yoichi after all these months so I have to beat Yoichi and then only  he will  notice me or I daresay he'll spare a glance at me , but any of this doesn't matter at all cuz this time  I'll make him forgive me , it doesn't matter what I have to do for his forgiveness,  I'll do anything to earn Yoichi's love and trust and this time I'll definitely make him feel my true love for him and then I'll never never never hurt my Yoichi ever again . Ughhh , what the fuck is wrong with Ness's timing , why is he calling at this hour ....ughhh ?

" Yes " , said Kaiser annoyingly 

" Kaiser , I know it will hurt you but try to keep yourself together , everything will be fine once you will meet Yoichi at the UEFA and before you start shouting at me for saying all these weird things and block me ......I am just calling , to tell you that I've sent you the video and if possible don't watch it ......please " ,  said Ness .

" Whatever .." , said Kaiser and then he hung up 

** Kaiser's hand were shaking , after listening to Ness but he decided to watch the video else he won't be able to function through his life , anything about Yoichi is of the utmost importance to him , so terrified Kaiser clicked at the video and at first all he could see was his beautiful Yoichi , who was looking so handsome in black tux and  slicked back hair , and it took Kaiser back to Bluelock , where once he told Yoichi to do his hair like this but Yoichi said that he would look like Itoshi Sae  and then junior Itoshi would hate him even more , this sweet memory made  Kaiser smile and he realised right now he wanted nothing more in this world than to pamper his Yoichi with kisses ,  he could very clearly see in the video that  little Yoichi is drunk and he's swaying right and left with the slow music and this made Kaiser smile and he thought what it would feel like to dance with Yoichi  , but the  moment he laid his eyes on his partner who's dancing with his Yoichi ,  her  hips attached to Yoichi's front and her whole body resting against Yoichi's , this scene  made Kaiser's blood to boil , he could feel his eyes  burning with rage and he wanted to rip that girl apart into pieces but he knows that cannot do anyting at present and this helplessness is making his anger worse so he thought of deleting the video right away but before he could do so , that girl turned around and started kissing  Yoichi , ' his Yoichi ' and then they ckuld be seen leaving the party together and watching all this made Kaiser's heart broke into hundreds and thousands of pieces , his body started to shiver so frantically that  his phone slipped out from his hand and he felt a pang his chest , his body was shuddering with fear , the fear that he has lost his Yoichi for forever and now Kaiser will slowly be erode away from this world and Yoichi would never know about his love . He felt like he's not able to breathe , as if someone has sucked all the air out of this world and has left him to die , now he knows how Yoichi felt when he found out about his betrayal cuz Kaiser knows though Yoichi doesn't owe him anything but this still  feels like as if Yoichi is betraying his love , their love .....................

" I am sorry Yoichi , you have to go through this pain and I couldn't stop it ....please forgive me and give me one last chance , just don't fall in love with anyone before I can make things right please please I beg you ..........please for your Mihya ... " , Kaiser mumbled in between his sobs and then he drifted to sleep after desperately crying for hours and waiting for Yoichi to hold him in his dreams .

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