Second chance at family 💝

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" Hello , how may I help you ? " , Yoichi stuttered these words after his initial shock subsided but he couldn't manage to tear his gaze away from the little boy . 

The boy had big blue eyes same as Yoichi has ever since his birth and had black hair with shade of blue again same as Yoichi has ever since he can remember , the boy  also has round cheeks and small face and chubby little hands which resembled his childhood self Yoichi thought .

 As if the physical attributes of the boy were  not enough to torment Yoichi about the truth of the  child's parents , so his mental traits followed to add to Yoichi's horror.

 The boy looked extremely sensitive to his surroundings , be it dazzling lights in the corridor or shrill voiced children talking to their parents , or the dog barking while its owner locking his door or even the people staring at him just because he is cute seemed to unnerve him . 

 As if to minimize these effects on himself the boy  kept on swaying back and forth and  his little hands getting sweaty due to clutching tightly over the trousers of the man  and he kept his face buried in between elder man's knees .

 Yoichi knows that many  would take these actions as the signs of low self confidence or the shyness in the child but Yoichi knows better from his experience that these are definitely the signs of hyper sensitivity .

" Umm hello Mr. Isagi , we are Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi and we are here to talk to you about something " , elder woman said and lightly patted at the head of the little boy at the end of the sentence.  After hearing their names a face flashed before Yoichi's eyes and he realised that he might know who is the mother of the child and definitely who the father is . 

" Yea please come in " , he opened the door wide enough for them  " please sit down " he directed them to the couch and then he went to the kitchen to bring something for them but his palms started sweating profusely and his mind was running to anything and everything and then nothing all at the same time . 

He pulled his phone out with trembling hands and placed it on the platform  and with his unsettling fingers he  somehow managed to open his instagram account . He searched her name and there were many accounts with the same name  but none of them belonged to her . He digged into the accounts of their common friends but none of them have her as their mutual friend. 

 His heart was racing and his palms were getting clammier and his stomach was churning and he could feel the bitterness in his mouth , then  suddenly he felt as if vacuum has been created in his lungs and there is no air at all , he was feeling dizzy and felt like he might pass out at any momemt . 

To prevent any injury ,  he slowly sinked to the floor and took deep breaths and counted upto 20 like he always does to calm down  his panic attacks and once again it worked thankfully without any screaming and crying this time .

 He instantly made coffee for the adults and cocoa for the little boy ,  again after calming himself down he place four cups in the stray and left the kitchen as well as his panic behind .

KaisagiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ