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Frida could hear the hustle and bustle on the market square before she could see it.

And they could hardly have missed it even without the directions from their taxi driver.

Colourfully dressed-up people headed in the direction where loud carnival music, clapping and cheering voices could be heard and bottles, sweets, and confetti paved the way.

"They seem to know how to party here."

Remarked a lion behind her, who she could only identify as her fiancé from the fact that she had painted his face and dressed him herself. His hair was completely covered by the hood of his costume and the uneven make-up made it difficult to impossible to recognise any facial features.

The same applied to Björn and Agnetha, who stood next to him in the form of a dog and a cat. Frida smiled a satisfied tiger smile and continued to walk purposefully towards her destination.

They didn't get much further than the edge of the market square, however, as their path was blocked by a seemingly endless queue of people holding each other by the shoulders and moving, jumping and staggering through the crowd more or less in time with the music.

Frida watched the scene in front of her with a mixture of amusement and anticipation of being able to switch off her brain completely for the evening. She wondered at what level of alcohol it would feel normal and bearable here and decided that she was definitely willing to reach that level today.

Grinning, she turned to the others and started to say something, but then she saw the look in Agnetha's eyes. She had seen that look before, back in Australia. Agnetha seemed to see right through her, seemed to perceive nothing but the crowds and there was pure fear in her eyes.

Without hesitation, Frida walked up to her and put her hand on her cheek.

"Agnetha. Are you okay?"

Only now did Agnetha seem to snap out of her stupor. Her eyes became focussed again and returned Frida's gaze.

"Yes, I'll be fine."

Her expression changed from fearful to determined, almost defiant in the face of her own fear.

Frida stroked her cheek carefully, taking care not to smudge her make-up, and looked her in the eye.

"They're not here for us."

Agnetha smiled gratefully at her and nodded. Frida couldn't help but return her smile, beaming at her for a moment longer than necessary.

"Yeah" Björn laughed "at least not until they know we're here too."

Frida's face fell in a fraction of a second and if looks could kill, Björn would have dropped dead on the spot.

"You don't know when to keep your mouth shut either, do you?"

"Oh come on Frida, it was just a joke."

Björn raised his hands placatingly.

"As if anyone could recognise us..."

he gestured at Benny and himself

"...in these stupid costumes."

"You could be recognised by your bad jokes. Better not speak to anyone."

Frida turned back to Agnetha who, to her great relief, was beaming at her with amusement and gratitude rather than fear.

"Are you sure you want to go in there?"


"But you'll say if it gets too much for you, won't you?"

With a final, reassuring look into Agnetha's eyes and without another glance or thought for Björn, she took Agnetha's hand and made her way through the crowd.

And she didn't let go of her even when they had made their way through the crowd and arrived in the foyer of the hall where the masked ball was to take place. She didn't even let go of her when Benny paid the entrance fee for them all, nor when they went off to find a seat. Only when they had found one and slid in on a corner bench, and there was no longer any justifiable reason to continue holding her hand, did she let go.

They were barely seated when a waitress came to ask them for their drinks. This was the time when she had actually wanted to order the strongest drink, and lots of it.

But now she gave Agnetha a concerned look.

"I'd like a sparkling water."

The waitress nodded and walked over to Benny so that she could hear him despite the noise in the room.

"Water Frida? Are you unwell?"

Agnetha looked at her in disbelief and a little worried.

"No, I just thought if it was..."

Frida suddenly felt overprotective and she avoided Agnetha's gaze. But when she looked at her again, her expression had changed completely and Frida knew that she had understood.

"Oh Frida, not because of me! I'm fine, really."

Frida felt Agnetha's hand reach for hers under the table. With her other hand, she waved to the waitress.

"Hello, we'd also like a large bottle of sparkling wine and four glasses please."

After they had drunk the first round together, Björn slapped his thighs with determination, stood up, held out his hand to Agnetha and pulled her towards the dance floor.

Frida resisted the urge to hold on to her hand and looked after her. Even though you couldn't see much of her apart from her costume. But Frida would recognise her among all the guests by the way she moved. Her familiar, elegant movements, in which there was always a hint of uncertainty, something vulnerable. Something innocent.

She had almost kissed her.

Agnetha had almost kissed her earlier when she was doing her make-up.

Frida had been sure for a moment that she would do it and in that brief, wonderful moment, she hadn't cared about the consequences.

But she knew it wasn't possible, not with her. She had always known that.

As normal and commonplace as it was for Frida to kiss friends and family members on the lips, with Agnetha it had always been something else, even if Frida hadn't realised it for a long time, and even now she couldn't really grasp what the reason for it had been from the beginning.

But she had never kissed Agnetha.

As if she had tried to maintain a certain distance from the outset. Perhaps also a professional distance. Well, that had worked out great.

Frida took a big sip from her drink and looked at Agnetha, who caught her gaze and beamed at her across the room. Involuntarily, she beamed back.

A few more glasses later, Frida wasn't so sure why it even was different with Agnetha. Perhaps she was simply thinking too much. Perhaps she should act more often according to her feelings and not her fears. Agnetha deserved to see her feelings, she deserved it so much.

Then she saw Björn pull Agnetha close and kiss her, saw her return the kiss and she knew what was different about her.

The sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Her mood that went from a high to an absolute low in a fraction of a second.

Frida averted her eyes and frantically reached for her drink. Hoping that no one had been watching her.

"Is everything all right?"

Benny looked at her, surprised and a little worried.

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

She smiled at him assuringly and leant into his arms so that she was no longer exposed to his scrutinising gaze.

He put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. So close to the place where Ag... No, she wouldn't go there, she wouldn't compare. Wouldn't compare how it had felt.

She turned her head and kissed him. It felt good. Familiar and safe. As if he could protect her from everything. But especially from her own feelings.

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