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It was a beautiful midsummer night on the island of Viggsö. The boys were still at the cottage, writing new songs, while the girls sat outside together, looking at the sea.

They had talked for quite a while, until they started singing an old melancholy song. Although they had never sung it together before, they sang in perfect harmony, knowing instinctively how to complement one another.

After they finished the last notes, Agnetha smiled at Frida who was looking at her mesmerized and Frida smiled back.

"Our voices are really a match made in heaven."

"Yes they are. ... It's like they're married to one another."

It was so typical Agnetha, always being romantic and philosophical. Frida gazed fondly at her. She knew her so well by now.

"Well, my voice seems to have a better taste than me when it comes to marriage."

Agnetha chuckled. She was so happy here on their little island, having everything she ever wanted. A family, the best of friends, the peaceful, beautiful nature.

It was such a huge contrast to the life they also led. A life she also loved, but it scared her all the same. She looked at the horizoon, as her thoughts shifted from cheerful to melancholic and worrying.

Frida noticed the change in her expression.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I... Aren't you scared sometimes Frida?"

"Scared of what?"

"Of everything. The future... the endless possibilitys of what to come and what to happen to us. Every time I am truly happy, I am reminded of the transience of it all."

"There are things I worry about. But I think it's a good thing that the future is unpredictable. And I know that whatever it is that life holds for me, I will always find a way to cope."

Agnetha admired Frida. Despite her gentle heart, she was the strongest person she knew. She looked into her eyes and nodded, understanding. Glad that she didn't have to worry about her best friend, but doing it anyway. She cared far to much for her not to worry.

"You are such a deep soul Agnetha. Everyone who can't see past your pretty face is really missing something."

"But I'm always so scared. Of so many things..."

"Of what right now? You know you can talk to me about everything. I will always listen."

"Right now to get lost in my thoughts... to lose myself in this crazy world and let my fears overwhelm me. Our lives have gotten so crazy and surreal. What if I'm going to loose myself in all of this?"

Frida always felt a strong urge to protect her. She knew that Agnetha was incredibly strong despite her fears. She could see past the image of the fragile blonde. But what she saw there, her real character, had to be protected above all else.

"Come here."

Frida opened her arms and Agnetha sank into her embrace.

"You won't. I won't let you."

She stroked her hair tenderly.

"I will always be here to ground you. To fight with you about stupid things to make you forget you are the biggest and most beautiful star in this world."

A wave of affection hit Agnetha as she laughed and snuggled closer to Frida.

"I - ...I'm so lucky to have you Frida. I don't know what I would do without you".


You will always have me. Our voices are married, remember? They can never be divorced."

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