Saving the Sun and Moon

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Eugene, Hugo and Max reach the tower, where Eugene, and Hugo jumps from Max's back and runs to the base

Eugene: Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!

There was no answer, so Eugene and Hugo attempts to climb the tower himself.
then suddenly when the window opens and Rapunzel's long hair falls from the tower.

Eugene: Hugo stay behind me, I'II go front
Hugo: okay, let's do this

Eugene climbs first while Hugo climbed behind him, he reaches the window and climbs through.

Eugene: Rapunzel, I thought I'd never see you again. Huh?

Across from where he stood, Rapunzel and Varian was tied and gagged, screaming against the gag and pulling at her chains to get to him.

Gothel stabs Eugene.

Eugene grabs his stomach and falls to the ground, Gothel holds up the knife, triumphed.

Hugo: Varian!
Hugo shouted

Then Hugo climb through until he saw Raps and Varian tied and saw Eugene on the floor hurting, he then ran to Eugene

Hugo: Eugene!

Gothel: Now, now look what you've done, Rapunzel, Varian Oh, don't worry dear. Our secret will die with him.

She steps pass his body and makes her way to Rapunzel and Varian, grabbing the chains and beginning to pull her to the hidden entrance. Rapunzel struggles the entire time.

Hugo: Don't hurt him!

Gothel know this and throws the knife at him, which missed it but left a scar from his right check. He was afraid

Gothel: And as for us! We are going where no one would ever find you two again!

Pascal and Rudiger runs out of his hiding place and begins to bite at Gothel's dress.

She kicks them away.

Gothel: Rapunzel, Varian really! Enough already! Stop fighting me!

In the struggling, Rapunzel, and Varian manages to dislodge the gag.

Rapunzel: No! Will not stop! For every minute of the rest of my life I will fight! We will not stop trying to get away from you! But, if you let me save him, we will go with you

Eugene: No! No, Rapunzel!
Varian: Raps No!

Pascal and Rudiger wakes up and he looks visibly upset as he stares at Rapunzel, and Varian

Rapunzel: we'll never run, we'll never try to escape.
Just let me heal him, and you and we will be together.
Forever, just like you want. Everything will be the way it was, I promise.
Just like you want.
Just let me heal him.

Gothel has agreed as she chains Eugene, and Hugo to a column.

Eugene: In case you get any ideas about following us.

Rapunzel, and Varian runs to him.

Rapunzel: E-Eugene.
Varian: Oh my gosh...
Varian cover's his mouth, in shock and traumatized
Then Hugo goes to him

Hugo: i-it's okay goggles, it's okay don't look

Hugo hugs him considering in chains , he still hugs him.
Varian close to him tightly

Eugene coughs, clearly in a lot of pain.

Rapunzel: Oh, I'm so sorry. Everything in gonna be okay.

Eugene: No, Rapunzel ...
Rapunzel: I promise you. You have to trust me ...

Eugene: No...
Rapunzel: Come on. Just breathe...

Eugene: I can't let you do this.
Rapunzel: But I can't let you die.

Eugene: (coughs) But if you do this... then you and Varian...
Rapunzel: Shh, shh.
Eugene: ... will die.

Rapunzel: Hey. It's gonna be all right.

Eugene forces a smile. Rapunzel prepares to sing the incantation.

Eugene: Rapunzel, wait...

Eugene presses a hand against Rapunzel face, and approaches her as if to kiss her.
Instead, he slices through her hair with a piece of the broken mirror.

Rapunzel: Eugene...
Hugo and Varian gasped

She grabs her hair as it turns to brown, Gothel screams and Eugene goes limp.

Rapunzel's hair turns brown, and Gothel gathers it in her arms as the hair turns.

Then Gothel see her arm lose its youth and, drops the hair, makes her way to the broken mirror to see her vision losing her youth, as her entire being turns white.

She screams

Then Varian goes up and singing the Moon incantation song to Gothel

"Flower burn and shine"

"Make your power mine"

"Time resume it's course"

"Let age and pain combine"

"Hurt what has been health"

"Hurt what has been lost"

"Sincere the one's had been lost"

"Let age and pain combine..."

"And pain combine..."

Then Varian eyes turn into white and his blue strike glows, while the other black hair turn to white, his hair flow Magnificanly


Gothel screams in pain, Unable to look at herself, Gothel hides herself with her hood and walks backwards.

Pascal, and Rudiger pulls on Rapunzel hair and Gothel flies out the window, turning to dust as she falls.

Rapunzel and Varian catches her breath and turns back to Eugene, gathering him in his arms.

Rapunzel: No, no, no, no.

Eugene coughs, his strength leaving him quickly.

Rapunzel: Oh, look at me. Look at me. I'm right here, don't go. Stay with us, Eugene.
(Singing) Flower gleam and glow, let your powers shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine ...

Eugene: Rapunzel.

Rapunzel: (Crying) What?

Eugene: You were my new dream?

Rapunzel: And you were mine.

Eugene breathes one last time and goes completely limp. He has died. Rapunzel starts to cry,

So does Varian, and Hugo.
Hugo pulled Varian face to his shoulder

Rapunzel holding him close and quietly singing.
One of her tears falls onto his check. She can't see, but the tears glows, turns into the shape of the sun and sinks into him skin.

The wound begins to glow and Rapunzel, Varian, and Hugo looks up to see it healing up.

Colour returns to Eugene and he coughs.

Rapunzel stares at him intently until he slowly opens his eyes to look at her.

Eugene: Did I ever tell you I've got a thing for brunettes?

Rapunzel, Hugo, Varian: (gasps) Eugene!

Rapunzel embraces him, and so does Varian and Hugo, they pulls away, and Rapunzel kisses him. Eugene melts into the kiss.

Hugo: bleh! get a room you two

Hugo said I'm annoyed, while Varian giggles


One more Chapter too go!

Tangled AU: The Sun and The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now