Escape and To The Rescue

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Eugene and Hugo is being escorted to his death sentence when he spots the Stabbington brothers in a cell.

Then Eugene and Hugo had an Amazing idea.

Which Eugene headbutts his guards, Hugo then leaps over his own bound wrists and Eugene grabs a brother, slamming him against the bars and getting angry.

Eugene: How did you know about them?
Hugo: Tell us, now!

Stabbington: It wasn't us. It was the old lady.

Eugene: (whispers) Old lady.
Eugene and Hugo nodded

Then they got grabbed the guards and dragged away.

Eugene: Agh! Wait! No!
Hugo: Wait! You don't understand! Eugene and Hugo: They're both in trouble! Wait!

[Back at the tower]

Gothel is slowly climbing the stairs to Rapunzel's room.

Gothel: Rapunzel, what's going on up there?

Rapunzel and Varian leaves Raps room, still in a daze and looking kind of out of it.

Gothel: Are you two all right?

Rapunzel: (mumbles) I'm the Lost Princess.

Gothel: Oh please speak up Rapunzel. You know I hate the mumbling.

Rapunzel: I'm the Lost Princess. Isn't it?
Varian: Did we mumble Mother, or should we even call you that?

Gothel: Oh Rapunzel, Varian.
Did you even hear yourself? Why would you two ask such a ridiculous question?

Rapunzel and Varian: It was you! It was all you!

Gothel: Everything I did was to protect you.

Rapunzel and Varian pushes past Gothel and makes her way down the stairs.

Gothel: Rapunzel. Varian

Rapunzel: we've spent our whole entire life hiding from people who would use us for our powers.
Varian: and finding out that you kidnapped us, and stole away from our own family

Rapunzel and Varian:When we should have been hiding from you.

Gothel: Where will you go? They won't be there for you?

Rapunzel and Varian: What did you do to them?

Gothel: Those criminal is to be hanged for his crimes.

Rapunzel and Varian: No...

Gothel: Now, now. It's all right. Listen to me. Everything is as it should be.

She goes to pat Rapunzel's hair but Rapunzel grabs her arm, Varian protects her

Rapunzel: No! You were wrong about the world.
Varian: And you were wrong about us.

Rapunzel and Varian: And we will never let you use our powers again!

Gothel is pushed and knocks over the mirror, smashing it.
Rapunzel protect Varian behind, walks away.

Gothel: You want me to be the bad guy.

Now I'm the bad guy...

[With Eugene and Hugo]

Eugene and Hugo is being dragged down the corridor behind the captain, who walked in front.

They frowned when he saw the small unicorn innocently sitting on a break in the wall.

Hugo: huh?

Then door slams shut in their faces.


Captain: What's this? Open up!

Shorty's face appears in a small door.

Shorty: What's the password?
Captain: What?
Shorty: Nope.
Captain: Open this door!
Shorty: Not even close.
Captain: You have three seconds.

(one guard is taken, shocking the second guard and Eugene)

(the other guard disappears)


The Captain turns around to see Eugene and Hugo standing alone in the corridor.

They gives him a little wave.
The door opens, and Attila hits the captain with a frying pan.

Eugene: Frying pans! Who knew, right?

Then Shorty shouted

Shorty: hey! Don't forget this

Shorty throws the bag of alchemy and Hugo catch in time

Hugo: well, don't forget this fellas!

Then the door at the other side of the corridor bangs three times and

opens as more guards come running in and Eugene, Hugo, handcuffs removed, is raced away by the thugs. The guards chase them to Ulf, who distracts them until they get knocked out.

They run into the courtyard and Eugene is placed into a specific spot.

Hook: Head down.
Eugene and Hugo: Head down.

Hook: Arms in.
Eugene and Hugo: Arms in.

Hook. Knees apart.
Eugene and Hugo: Knees apart.

Hugo: Knee's apart?
Eugene: Why would we need our knees apar...

Vlad jumps and Eugene and Hugo is sent flying.


They screams as he somersaults through the hair to land on ...

Hugo: Max!
Eugene: You brought them here?

Max smiles.

Eugene: No really. Thank you. Uh. I feel maybe this whole time we've just been misunderstanding one another, and we're really just ...

Max gives him are 'are you being serious right now?' rule.

Hugo: Would you two just leave it already?
Eugene: Yeah, you're right, we should go.

They race across the spires of the castle. Max is aiming for the edge.

Eugene and Hugo: Max...Max...Max!

He screams as the horse leaps from the castle onto a kingdom house to land on the street and race out of the kingdom of Corona.

Eugene: Okay Max, let's see how fast you can run.
Hugo: Go Max, Go!

Tangled AU: The Sun and The MoonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu