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*10 years later*

In the capital city of Austria, Vienna two girls were running from the police. One of the girls was holding the other ones hand so they don't get separated. Emma, a brunette with emerald green eyes had a high fever that made her coughing non-stop, while her charlotte is a well-known thief who stole medicine and food. Charlotte grew up being bullied by the boys on the street. She used to go by Charlie until she met Emma they stayed together since then.

"Charl what's wrong with you, we could've worked for a loaf of bread" Emma lectured "Yeah with those conditions that you're in no" "Emma your so fearful, you think we are able to afford medicine by just working 9 hours daily? Emma we literally get like nothing, nothing at all.   Sometimes it's easier to cut corners." Charlotte replied to Emma's coughing.

"Why are you crying?" Charlotte confusedly asked

"I'm not, I'm just.... Thanks Charl" Emma replied "Okayyy? Uhm whatever here is the plan we capture a truck and reach Salzburg by sunset. From there, we go to Innsbruck." Charlotte explained.

" Capturing a truck, that's awful, and where are we going to get a Truck anyways?" Questioned Emma. "Just follow me"

Charlotte and Emma disguise themselves as one of the locals. They went to church disguised as one of mourn people they both went inside the truck that had the coffin. Charlotte threw the body and told Emma to stay in the coffin. While the truck was moving Charlotte opened her pocket knife "Look here, you are going to Innsbruck going through Salzburg or I'll end you" She threatened him. 

When they reached the gate between Innsbruck and Salzburg there were guards. They checked the vehicle Charlotte cried or "mourned" to her "father's death". "Ma'am open the coffin" One of them guards said "He didn't deserve to be burned" She allegedly sobbed before the guards opened the coffin he said "Another thought You can go, He may rest in peace"                               

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"We have arrived" The man said they both jumped out of the truck, Emma thanked him for the ride. "Your a good kid, Here is some money it should last for a week" He gave her 41464.82 shilling. "Uhm Thank you for generosity, I don't know what to say." Emma was shocked she waved her goodbyes and went with Charlotte. 

Charlotte and Emma went to find a hotel or an apartment to rent. While looking the accidentally bumped into Edwin and Kevin. "Watch it, you stupid Bitch. Are you bli_!?" yelled Edwin, Kevin put his hand over Edwin's mouth. Three soldiers approached them "Is there a problem here" 

"No, Sir," Kevin responded, his voice betraying a tremor of fear. "Edwin will see our guests safely home," he commanded, his heart pounding. "I'll handle this." Edwin assisted the guests to their feet and guided them away. "Please, don't force my hand. I could take on three of you without a scratch," he warned, his voice low and intense.

"Wait, aren't you Commander Leon's assistance ?" one of the soldiers queried.

"I am. So, it seems we have a problem," Kevin retorted, trying to maintain a façade of confidence despite his inner turmoil.

"No, no, no, we apologize for the inconvenience," the soldiers hastily conceded, retreating to their positions with a newfound respect, albeit tinged with apprehension.

Kevin got home and took his shoe off, "Master Kevin, How was your walk?" Edward the housekeeper greeted him. "It was fine thanks, so what are they doing?" He asked about Edwin and the other two girls. "No one has said a word  since they've arrived. I'm starting to worry about master Edwin" He worry. He went inside saw they were setting in the living room. Both Charlotte and Edwin got up and tried to shout at each other but Kevin interrupted them "Ok okay ok before shouting , cursing at each other or being and becoming little babies; first introduce yourself and then start yapping." Kevin instructed them.

"I'm Edwin," he reached his hand out. "I'm Charlotte," she shook his hand. "HOW DO I KNOW YOU'RE NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE?" She shouted and slammed her hands on the table. "THAT'S WHAT WE GET AFTER SAVING YOUR LIFE. At least you could've said thank you," Edwin replied. "I wonder if this is how Mum felt," Kevin mumbled to himself. "I haven't seen Charlotte argue with someone before," Emma said. "Oh, I'm sorry, IF WE WERE ONE OF THE NAZIS, YOU WOULDN'T LIVE HERE BUT IN A REFUGEE CAMP," Edwin argued. "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK," Charlotte replied to his annoying voice.

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