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Some years later, after raising Grogu together, Din marries Aria in a private, traditional Mandalorian ceremony, complete with Mando'a vows. It's just the two of them, with Grogu standing at their feet.

Din has become something of a leader aside Aria. He wasn't Fey, but he was strong and knew as much of the galaxy as she did. Everyone looked up to him.

And when Aria fell pregnant, the whole of the moon celebrated. It was a smooth affair and the birth of the twins warranted another celebration.

Grogu, still a baby himself, adored his new siblings, and when their maturity outgrew his, they adored him. Many days ended with the five of them on the couch, watching a holo, with Grogu still holding the increasingly tattered frog plush.

He grew as everyone else did, however much slower.

Unlike Aria had predicted, he did have an understanding of death when she and Din passed within days of each other, like the fated Fey couples.

He outlived his siblings, their children, and their children's children, becoming a pillar in the community, the eldest and wisest of all the elders. And the whole of the moon mourned his loss when he died centuries after his mother and father.

But the Djarin line would live on. Through the New Republic. Through the First Order. And through whatever other perils the galaxy would experience.

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