The Believer

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Aria arrives at Karthon before the rest, but they appear after about an hour and both ships land together. She passes Cara on her way onto the Slave I and she can feel that Din and Boba are looking her over for wounds.

The Mandalorians (and Fennec) stay on the ship while Cara goes to get their new recruit. Her return is marked by Mayfeld's complaining. But his words and steps both stop cold when he catches sight of Aria, Fennec, and Boba walking down the ramp. Then he realizes that man is not who he thinks.

"You know, for a second, I thought you were this other guy."

Boba then turns and reveals Mando walking toward him. The man's face noticeably drops.


"Hey, Mando. Long time. So what, you came here to kill me?"

"All you need to know is I bent a lot of rules to bring you along," Cara grits.

"Why am I so lucky?"

"Because you're Imperial."

"Hey, that was a long time ago, all right?"

"But you still know your Imperial clearances and protocols, don't you?" Mando asks him.

He looks between everyone and they begin to board the Slave I. But Mando pulls Aria aside.

"I want you to dock with us and make the trip with me and the others."


'So you can be near me.' "So we can all go over the plan."

 "Okay, I'll see you up there."

The ships take off and once the Slave I is upright, Aria docks with it. She keeps her helmet securely on. Her mother had told her of this ship, and how it had been destroyed. She never imagined she'd be inside of it.

"We need coordinates for Moff Gideon's cruiser," Mando orders Mayfeld.

"Moff Gideon? Yeah, forget it." He chuckles. "Just take me back to the scrapyard. I'm not doing that."

"They have his kid," Cara tells him.

"The little green guy?"

"Yeah, 'the little green guy'."

"So . . . I help you guys get him back, you let me go?" He asks quickly.

"That's not how this works."

"Well, then what's in it for me?"

"You get a better view."

He relents after a moment. "Alright, but here's the thing. I can't get those coordinates unless I have access to an internal Imperial terminal. I believe there's one on Morak."

"Morak?" Din questions. "There's nothing on Morak."

"It's a secret Imperial mining hub, okay? If you can get me in there, I can get you the coordinates." He looks between them all.

After a moment, Mando leans over and presses a button. "Fett, punch in the coordinates to Morak."

"Copy that."


Boba joins them in the hold when they exit hyperspace. "I did an initial scan of the planet," he says, showing them a holo. It zooms in on a building. "This is what you're talking about, right?"

"Yeah, that's the, uh, refinery right there," Mayfeld confirms.

"Wonder what they're refining in there." Fennec glances at Boba.

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