The Rescue

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The Slave I chases after an Imperial ship while the Yaxham flanks it, flying almost dangerously close to keep them from jumping away. Boba gets a lock on the ship and fires an ion blast, shutting all the systems down and incapacitating it.

Aria watches from her ship as the other ships dock.

Din enters the cockpit first, and all three Imperials get up with their hands raised. One of the pilots sets a hand on the scientist's shoulder. A moment later, he's pulling his blaster to point it at Pershing's head. Cara comes in, blaster raised.

The copilot steps forward and is shot by the other man before he returns his weapon to his hostage's head.

Aria can see that the pilot is antagonizing Cara and the woman pulls the trigger. The shot lands in the pilot's skull, skimming Pershing's ear. She storms off the ship and Mando looks back to the Yaxham, back to Aria. They share a moment of quiet before he grabs the scientist.


The ships land on Arvala-7, and the Mandalorians, all armored up with helmets on, enter the bar. They easily find Bo-Katan and Koska sitting at a table in the back and make their way to the women.

"I need your help," Din tells Bo.

"Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters," she counters. "Some of us serve a higher purpose."

Aria steps up. "They took the Child." 


"Moff Gideon," Mando answers.

"You'll never find him."

"We don't need these two," Boba says to Din. "Let's get out of here."

"You are not a Mandalorian."

"Never said I was."

"I didn't know sidekicks were allowed to talk," Koska jabs.

Boba chuckles. "Well, if that isn't the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy."

They begin to square up.

"Easy there, little one."

"You'll be talking through the window of a bacta tank."

"Alright, easy," Bo steps in. "Save it for the Imps."

Koska sits back down, and Din speaks again.

"We have his coordinates."

"You can bring me to Moff Gideon?"

"He has a light cruiser," Aria tells her.

"It could be helpful in your effort to regain Mandalore," Mando suggests.

"You got to be kidding me," Boba says. "Mandalore? The Empire turned that planet to glass."

"You are a disgrace to your armor," Bo sneers.

"Then my mother was a disgrace to hers, and so am I. But you took my mother in during the Clone Wars," Aria reminds her. "He's my uncle, and like my mother gave me her armor, that armor was his father's."

"Don't you mean his donor?"

Boba steps up. "Careful, princess."

Bo and Koska stand to meet him. "You are a clone. I've heard your voice thousands of times."

"Mine might be the last one you hear."

Koska swings at him, missing the first time, and he catches her when she tries again. He throws her into a table, which breaks when she hits it. He then fires a harpoon and the wire wraps around her wrist. She wraps it again so she grab hold of it and yanks Boba toward her, raising her knee to meet his stomach. His head ends up under her arm and she uses her jetpack to boost herself to get more leverage to flip her off of her and onto the table she was formerly sitting at. They manage to regain their footing at the same time and shoot fire at each other.

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