The Jedi

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Aria ends up on Mando's ship again. She felt like she had to be near him and the Child. She sits in the cockpit, the baby sound asleep in her arms. Din likes the way she looks holding him.

"So you know this Jedi personally?"

"My mother knew her for a short time. And I sought her out after my mother passed. I spent a couple of years with her before we went our separate ways."

"And she knows we're coming?"

"I sent several messages to her and I'm a solid . . . 75% sure she received them. Be prepared, she may react violently since the only other visitors she usually gets are those trying to harm her."

"Wonderful. We're here." The ship drops out of hyperspace. "Corvus."

"This is the place."

"I've detected a beacon."

"It's probably not her's." Aria stands to look at the comm screen. "She's in hiding. She wouldn't reveal herself so recklessly."

"Well, it's coming from somewhere. I'm gonna start the landing cycle; you better get back in your seat." She sits now awake Child in a chair, whose focus is locked on the silver ball atop a lever. He closes his eyes and the ball begins to unscrew.

"I'm going to take the Yaxham around the far way to avoid the city. Just in case. I'll see you soon."


Mando lands a couple of clicks from the city walls, but Aria goes closer to where Ahsoka was the last time they talked. Then she jets back to the Crest.

"Not much to see out here."

"Not much outside out the city."

Mando leans over and picks up the Child. "Let's head into town. See if we can pick up a lead."

"That's probably a bad idea for him," Aria argues. "The last time I spoke to Ahsoka, the woman that ran this place was skilled in Dark Arts. She could probably pick up his Force sensitivity."

"Fine, but I want you to stay in the ship with the security on."

"We will." She takes the baby from him. "Be safe."

"I will."

Mando returns in roughly half an hour.

"What'd she say?"

"'A Jedi plagues her.' And she gave me coordinates."

"Knowing Ahsoka, she's moved on already. We can head that way and if she's not there, we can check a place I know."

"Sounds good. Can I . . ." He gestures to the Child.

"Oh, yeah." She gives the baby to him and he secures him in a sling.

"Let's go."

The walk to the coordinates is completely uneventful and silent, except for the little noises that the Child makes.

"Well, this is it."

"It's more likely that she'll find us than the other way 'round."

A rustle catches both of their attention. Mando puts the Child down to look around but only finds some native creatures gnawing on tree branches. "False alarm."

Suddenly Aria pushes him out of the way and he looks back to see her blocking two white laser swords with her own purple one. She had saved him before he even knew he was in danger.

"Good. I didn't know if you were going to catch that."

"You trained me well enough."

"You always were hard to keep up with."

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