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A/N: skipping season 3, it still happens, I'm just skipping it cause Aria is off finding herself.

After her discussion with Luke regarding Grogu's training, she goes back to Alderaan's moon. Something Bo-Katan had said reminded her that Mandalore wasn't her home world. Neither was Concord Dawn. Even though she was born there.

But when she was in her family's home, on that little moon, surrounded by an asteroid field that used to be Alderaan, she finally felt like she was home. Something, or someone, was missing. But she felt different here than she ever had anywhere else.

As time passed, more Fey began coming home. They brought new children, crops. Everything they would need. Houses were built or repaired and they began to flourish.

Aria learned to use her abilities as Fey. Learned to manipulate the plants and communicate with the animals. She learned that her family was respected, and with her knowledge of the galaxy, she and a few others became leaders. They took care of their little moon, all the Fey kind finding their places.

She was happy here. Happier than on Nevarro or with Bo-Katan. Perhaps not as happy as she was with Din. But happy. Most everyone knew that Aria could usually be found with the children. They made her happiest.

It was three years later when a ship landed in the forest. They knew that any non-Fey would not be able to breathe the air and the ship would also read that. So the Fey Council decided Aria would be the one to approach the newcomers.

In her purple tunic, coat, and black trousers, blaster in a hilt hanging on her belt, she walks the trail to the small landing area, where all the ships, like the Yaxham, are held in storage. She can see the sunlight glinting off of the ship. She's surprised to see Mando standing there with Grogu in his arms.

"D- Mando?"


"What are you doing here?"

"We got Gideon. It's over."


"Yes. Karga gave me a house on Nevarro at the edge of town."

"And you want me to come with."

"Yes. I do."

She takes a deep breath. "I can't. I feel . . . like I belong. For the first time in my life, I belong somewhere. And I- I'm doing well here. Helping people learn to live like we used to do. Before everything."

"Then I'll stay."

"Why? Why would you give everything up?"

"The time you were with us, after Trask, I'd never felt I did when you were with us. And I haven't felt it since you left."


"We'll stay. If you'll have us."

"There's no galaxy in which I'd turn you away again. You can put your ship with mine and we'll get you guys settled."

"Alright. You want to hold him?"

"Of course I do." She steps forward and takes Grogu, who immediately nuzzles into her.

Din takes a moment to look at her like he had the first time he let her hold Grogu. He had forgotten how beautiful she was. He hurries to move the fighter into the storage she pointed out and then they walk to the town she lives in. It was the central meeting place for the Fey on the surrounding areas. And given her status as leadership, she had to stay close.

"Everyone is staring."

"It's okay. It's not often new people come here. They're just curious. My house is just down this path, near the town hall. Oh, Sarly!" She steps away from Din to meet with a woman by a stall. "Can you bring some clothes by for my friend?"

"Of course, my lady."

"Thank you." She rejoins Din who is waiting for her.


"You can wear your armor if you want, but it won't help with the staring."

"I'll adapt. I always do."

"Good. Here we are." They stop in front of a decent house. Her family's house. "It's three bedrooms, and I may have already set up one for the both of you."


"I knew that we would end up here together eventually. I just thought to get it ready ahead of time."

She leads him inside and they stop to let him look through the kitchen and living area. He notes the basket of toys in the corner and the stack of memory disks by a holo-projector.

"Oh, I, uh, I watch some of the village children when I'm not busy at the hall. Have to keep them occupied. And the top lifts off of the table for a dejarik table."

"Kids, huh?"

"Yeah, just a few. Usually some of the eight-year-olds, a couple of toddlers. A baby here and there, but everyone usually prefers to keep the babies home when they can."

"You . . . enjoy it?"

"Children always see the light in the world. Even at my lowest, the children always cheer me up. Your room is through here." Aria leads Din down a hall and opens a door with a mudhorn painted on it.

He steps in to look around. A bed, larger than any he's ever slept in, a crib right next to it, a door leading to a private 'fresher.

"Aria . . ."

"You like it?"

"It's wonderful."


Sarly brings some clothes, and even a cloth to cover his face, around after Din gets settled in. He gets changed into them and then joins Aria and Grogu in the living area. She sits on the couch while Grogu clutches a frog toy from the bin and intently watches a holo that she had stuck in the projector.


She looks up at him, surprised to see he's forgone both his helmet and the cloth, letting her see him for the first time. "You look wonderful, Mando."

"Din. Please." He sits by her.



He leans forward slightly and she meets him, letting their foreheads touch. It's the first skin-to-skin contact she's had with him. She sits up a little to press her lips to his. He returns the kiss, cupping the back of her head.

They part when Grogu makes a sound, putting a hand on each of their legs. Aria leans down and picks him up, settling him between them.

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