Nite Owls and the Heiress

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so Mando is primarily going to be referred to as Mando or Din, and I'm also choosing to ignore the fact that it's his last name. we're not doing that.

Aria ultimately ends up with Bo-Katan and two remaining Nite Owls. The Nite Owls always wore their armor under cloaks, but they rarely wore their helmets. The girl was thankful for that; after her mother left, the tribe insisted that she always wore her helmet when with others. It quickly became claustrophobic and she would often find herself ripping the metal forcefully off of her head. She didn't mind at times, but any more than a few hours could make her anxiety skyrocket.

Bo and the Owls eventually end up on Trask, a very wet, rainy planet home to just about every sentient aquatic species you could name. They often skulk around the port in pairs. She usually went with Koska and left Bo with Axe.

Aria was out with her friend when she sensed the presence come into the system. And she quickly deduced that it was on the-

Razor Crest?

Or, to be accurate, what was left of it.

She had gripped her hair when she realized that she could see through the hull. But she nearly screamed -both she and Kos had quickly covered her mouth- when the starboard engine blew, sending it lurching into the water.

The other woman had dragged her off when the dock workers dropped it onto a platform harshly. She would have ripped into the pilot, too. 'Where'd they get that ship? And what the kriff did they do to it?'

But Koska had looked back to see the Mandalorian wearing shiny armor with a mudhorn welded to his right shoulder piece. She was sure he had seen her for the second she had looked.


Koska told them about the Mandalorian once they were safe. And they set out to track him. Well, Aria was tracking the Force signature that was on his ship. It was definitely not the frog lady. And since Koska had told them, the girl was sure that this was Din Djarin. Aria told them he had been raised by the Death Watch. They didn't really believe her. But she was going to tear him a new one for destroying her mother's ship.

Had she known he was going to treat it so poorly, she wouldn't have let the woman give it to the boy.

But there he was, needing to be rescued for the second time today. They all had a good laugh at that.

The quarren were no match for the Nite Owls, and in minutes they were hauling Mando out of the water tank on the ship.

"There's a creature," he gasps. "It has the Child."

Aria dives before anyone else can react, and they wait. The others would have used their weapons, but she lays one hand on the creature and it's spitting out a semi-crushed pod. She grabs it and jets out of the water, landing by the man.

She rips one of the doors off and pulls the baby out. "There you go. It's okay." The Child holds on to her when she tries to give him to Din, but his grip isn't tight and she steps back easily.

"Thank you," the man pants, water still dripping off of his armor and from inside his helmet. "I've been searching for more of our kind."

"Well, lucky we found you first," Bo says.

"I've been quested to deliver this Child. I was hoping that-" he stops short when Bo's helmet hisses as she takes it off.

Aria and the other Nite Owls follow suit.

He looks between them as he stands, the girl can feel his confusion and an undercurrent of anger. "Where did you get that armor?"

"This armor has been in my family for three generations," Bo tells him.

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