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(Chapter brought to you by me ACTUALLY drawing Ace so I know what she looks like in my head)

Lucifer's  pov

I woke up a little later than normal, Ace was still asleep huddled in my arms. I grabbed my phone and looked through some of the pictures on my Hallgram. I felt Ace move slightly, her legs kicking me slightly as she adjusted herself to have her back to me but my arm still under her head, I smiled gently as my phone suddenly started ringing in my hand, I looked at the number and answered it "hello?" I asked "Lucifer, we need to speak." Sera's voice rang out through the phone as I grabbed Ace. "What?" I asked in a slightly protective tone. "Does your soul stamp work if Ace were to go back to the mortal world, not as a soul collecting other souls. But as a human?" She asked I looked at the phone as I stood up, "Yes, it would, I put it on her in the mortal world, but why are you asking me this?" I asked her, a sigh is heard on the other side of the phone "we have learned that Ace is not really dead, which is why she is able to cross through to our world without detection." She responded her voice speaking with the tone of truth.

I looked to Ace, sitting down and grabbing her hand. "She's...Alive still?" I asked, my voice dropped as I looked at Aces beautiful sleeping face. "Yes, I had a personal assistant check to see what the status of her soul was and I was told that she was still alive." She said back. I grabbed my phone tighter "but do you know if she's going to go back?" I asked panic filling my voice as I spoke quickly but quietly enough as to not wake Ace. "We don't know, it's said that she's been asleep for seven years in the mortal world, her body hasn't responded nor recovered from her wounds." She said back, I let go of Aces hand and walked to the door, closing it gently as I left the room and moved across the hall to my office where I sat down at my desk and put Sera on speaker.

She sighed and seemed to move the phone "there's nothing we can do, she will eventually go back. Unless her body fails. And it would be of poor taste for you to wish that on her, if you love her, and you know she will return, accept that she might leave soon." She said and I looked at my phone then to a photo on my desk of me, Ace, and Charlie, sitting in the living room as I had the remote in my hand, looking at the tv and Ace standing behind me creating a small set of horns on my head and a giant smile plastered on her face, Charlie who was taking a selfie smiled big as well, her eyes shut with how happy she was, while her girlfriend was walking into the frame. I gave it a small smile "yeah, I know, thank you sera, have a good day" I said as she took a heavy step audible through the phone "you too, Lucifer" she said and I hung up the phone before resting my head in my hands.

A moment later a knock came from my office door and I looked up, the door slightly open as Charlie and Vaggie walked in "hey dad, Ace was in their by herself I assumed you would be in here" she said sadly. "We overheard the conversation.." Vaggie said after her and I looked at them and gave them a sad smile, before a tear left my eye, I quickly wiped it away and held my smile. "Yeah, but she needs to go back, if she does.." I started "didn't she lose most of her limbs? I remember the nightmares, you know, she's gonna be in agony being alive like that." Charlie said and I sighed my smile turning into that of a frown. "I know, but she has family and friends up there still, and I can go into the mortal realm so." I said and she nodded "you'd really do that for her?" Vaggie asked and I nodded "I love her." I said quietly as Charlie gave me a sad smile.

"You know dad, you didn't even love mom like that, I don't think anyone has made you feel the way you feel about Ace. It's nice to see you just relax for once" she said and I smiled "yeah, she has changed me a lot hasn't she?" I asked mostly just to myself, Charlie however, nodded in agreement.

Aces pov

I yawned as I woke up, the empty spot in the bed caught my attention as I liked for Lucifer, it was strange that he left, he usually stayed in with me while I was still sleeping, just so he could look at me and tell me how beautiful I am, and that breakfast was ready. I stood up and walked to the open door and heard voices across the hall and as I walked to the door and opened it "I just want her to be happy. She's the most precious thing I've ever known, I never wanna lose that" Lucifer's voice rang through the door, I smiled as I let go of the doorknob, now listening "I know dad, she's great! She supports me and my dream, I love her." Charlie said to him and I smiled putting my hand to the door "I know I haven't know her or you guys for that long, but I don't want her to go either, she belongs here with us" Vaggie said I looked at the door confused, I didn't understand what they meant about me leaving.

Where was I going? Was I being kicked out? I felt my breath catch in the back of my throat as my mind ran wild, I turned the doorknob without even realizing I moved my hand and I opened the door, everyone looking at me shocked as I walked in "Hey Darling, how did you sleep?" "Where am I going?" I asked quietly he looked at me confused "Hun what do you mean?" He asked his voice a little high pitched "are you sending me away?" I asked again, tears falling down my face, his confused face now turned to one of worry as he rushed over to me from his seat at the desk, pulling me close to him and rested my face on his shoulder. "No, never, I don't think I could ever do that to you." He said sadly, "Sera called me and told me something.. it's hard to believe, so can you sit down?" He asked and I nodded as he pulled out of the hug and rested his hands on my cheeks and wiping my tears away.

He grabbed my hand and guided me to the couch and once I sat down he pulled on of the chairs over to him and sat in front of me, "Sera told me, that your body, is in the mortal world, still barely clinging to life, and that there's a chance you'll wake up, but she's not sure." He said to me and I looked at him confused, "I'm in a coma?" I asked and he looked at Vaggie who nodded "yes, you are." He said back and I looked at my arms and legs, "But if I wake up.." I trailed off at the end "yes, you wouldn't have your limbs, you wouldn't be able to do anything." Vaggie says, I looked at her shocked "your life would be incredibly difficult, nothing would ever be how it used to be, you'd have people watching over you every single day, bugging you about everything." She said.

I looked at the younger woman who had a very blank look on her face, I nodded slightly, very annoyed by even the thought of it, "but I'd come see you, I'd stay the night there with you, I'd help you in anyway I could" Lucifer voice said to me and I looked back at him, the look on his face told me he was being genuine, I nodded again. "I'd love that." I said and he smiled, moving to me on the couch and grabbed my hand. "No matter what, okay darling? I'll love you so much. Nothing could stop me, not Lilith, not Adam, not Sera, not anyone. That's a promise." He said, his voice was full of sadness but also so full of love and affection for me. I held onto his hand with mine. "I love you." I said and he smiled moving his forehead to mine "I love you more than anything and everything." He said back. "I believe you, but you can't live me more than I love you, you just can't." I said back with a goofy little smile on my face.

"Oh, believe me, I can." He said back as he stood up still holding my hand and lifting me to my feet and spinning me around, I chuckled as he and I danced a little in the room, his daughter looking at Vaggie who very much had "no" written all over her face and Charlie looked at her sad, I smiled as I let go of Lucifer and moved over to Charlie, and grabbed her hand and danced with her instead. "I love you, Charlie. I know I'm not your mom, you make feel like I had the daughter I always wanted." I said with a smile as I spun her around, "you're a good step-mom" she said back with a giant smile plastered on her face. "I try." I said back and let her go and went back and hugged Lucifer "I'm happy that you're happy, Darling." He said and placed a kiss on my head.

The devil and the grim reaper ( A Lucifer x OC ) Where stories live. Discover now