The battle of sinners and angels

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-the night before extermination day-

I was laying down, looking at the tv and watching the news, I saw Charlie appear on screen showing her leading a charge of the people in cannibal town back to her hotel, I smiled as I see her doing it. Lucifer walks in front of the bathroom his Blond hair in his face from his shower "no matter how many times I try to get rid of the smell of hell I can't seem to get it off" he said and I smiled and laughed "yeah I get that" I said back "extermination day is tomorrow" he said with a frown, he looked sad, he laid down holding me close "you do have your holy blade right?" He asked.

"I do." I said back I had several weapons mostly for killing humans or souls down here but Lucifer during my first extermination day made sure I had a means of defending myself. I thought he was very thoughtful for that. We slipped under the covers and he pulled me closer to him and smiled, "I love you, Ace." He said, my face curled up into a smile "I love you too, Lucifer" I said back, he grabbed the back of head and pulled me closer to his chest, he was like this every extermination, making sure I was there when I woke up, I sighed as I fell asleep.

-in the morning-

I woke up to sirens, warning the sinners of the extermination, as the angles came down, I looked at where they landed, I saw them going straight for the hotel, which was about an hours flight from here, "Fuck!" I yelled as I got up, running to the closet and grabbing some clothes I heard Lucifer groan "what's happening?" He asked and I looked out the closet throwing a bra on and putting on my shirt "The exterminators are going to Charlie's hotel!" I yelled at him his eyes shot open and he got up and doing the same thing I was.

Once we finished getting ready we opened our wings and started flying to them, we got there just in time for Lucifer to save his daughter and I pulled out my weapon killing some of the exterminators going after Angel and Husk "Fuck you!" I yelled at them Adam looked down, his eyes wide as he moved his head from me to Lucifer "go down there and protect them!" Charlie yelled and I nodded flying down and killing some of the Angels, "Fuck yes!" Husk said as he smiled with Angel.

While Lucifer went up to help his daughter just in time I saw an angel fly over my wings expanded a little more so I could move to get there faster as soon as I reached her she dodged and grabbed me by the neck with her legs and threw me into the wall to the side next to Charlie, she looked at me as my face dropped, and I wiped some blood from my mouth, and stood up "Ok seriously, how many of you freaks do I have to fight" Adam said as I watched Lucifer roll up his sleeves, as he walked to Adam "I'm the only one that matters, see you messed with my daughter, and now I'm going to FUCK YOU!" He shouts and I looked at him and laughed rolling on the floor as they all looked at me "it's 'Fuck you up' babe, but good try." I said as I stood up again, grabbing my sword from the ground where I fell "yeah dad it is.." Charlie said and he looked at her "wait, what did I say?" He asked as Adam tackled him to a wall, I looked up to the angel who threw me over here and lifted off the ground again she smiled at me as I struggled against her, trying to stab her neck. Before I could think she kneed me in the chin and I fell back catching myself with my wings "those are pretty wings you got there" the angel said as she broke my sword and it fell to the ground and I summoned my scythe, she looked at the long weapon "oh the Grim reaper herself is who I'm fighting? This should be fun!" She said loudly and charged at me, I dodged her attack and feel higher before Lucifer bumped into me. "Kinda busy here babe." I said to him "well you look hot, darling, go kick her ass, and don't die!" He yelled the last part as I flew down for my attack that landed on her wing, and she started to fall trying to catch herself with her other wing but before she could land Niftty jumped from a balcony and stabbed her making a crashing sound as she landed, I flew down to beside Niftty, and gave her I high five. Going back to the fight.

After a kill streak of 13 I felt a blade go through my wing "FUCK!" I yelled losing my balance in the air and crashing down without a second thought I looked at my wing that was cut through to the bone right next to my back and ripped it off, pain filling my back, and I grew angrier, Husk looked at me as he saw the wing in my hand and the blood rushing down my back "oh I love plucking fake angel wings" one exterminator said and I smiled as I threw my wing at them "eat shit" I said back pulling out some small daggers and throwing them in their faces, knocking out four of the angels.

The devil and the grim reaper ( A Lucifer x OC ) Where stories live. Discover now