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Ace's pov

A couple of nights had past since telling Lucifer about my nightmares and I've been sleeping in his room, tonight's no different. As we sat at the dinner table I sat next to him eating the stake on my plate, while Lucifer seems distracted, I looked at him and finished chewing. "Is there something wrong Lucifer?" I asked his eyes moved to me as he shook his head "no, sorry dear, I've just been thinking about what I'm going to have you do around Hell" he said and I nodded "since your technically an overlord now, in a way" he continued I looked at him confused, I had been here a couple months but I didn't know basically anything about hell "right, you don't know what that is" he sighed.

"An overlord is a mortal soul. These mortal souls contain such knowledge or power that normal sinners don't hold a candle to them, they killed many souls back in some of their days, our oldest two overlords are Zestial and Carmilla, they have been overlords for centuries, and can only be dubbed an overlord by me." He said I put a hand on my face and used my arm to prop my head up to look at him. "These demons can own someone's soul by contract or by a deal, that is how they gain more power throughout this world, such as Valentino, he and his group are overlords and are called 'the Vees'" he continued "and how do I know when they try to get my soul?" I asked and Lucifer smiled "that's a good question dear, and I would like to say that they can't get yours" he said and I looked at him closely, confused, "but you just said.." "you have a stamp on your soul, one I put there, not for me to own you, but to protect you from such deals" he said.

With a snap of his finger a large golden glow comes from my soul, he moves the seal so I can read it. "This soul is henceforth and forever protected by this Morningstar seal, no deals or contracts can be made with this soul" I read out loud, his big smile not fading as I read, "I knew what this place was like, I did this as you died in the mortal realm so you could not only be protected while your here but so that when you arrived you would be right outside the door of my home." He said his voice calm "didn't wanna take the time to look for me I see" I said sarcastically "no, when I arrived in the mortal realm I had one name on my list, and you name wasn't on there, therefore I had to put a stamp on you that said you belonged to hell" he said and I nodded "makes sense to me" I said.

After dinner we headed up to the room "hey, dear?" He asked and I looked at him and smiled "what's up?" I asked, "did you understand anything about what I said about overlords?" He asked "I love a good history lesson" I said back with a smile he looked at me confused "Sorry I guess I should explain, on earth everyone has to go to school, it's required, they teach subjects which are like slightly annoying versions of what you'd learn on your own or from a book, personally I would have quit after elementary school, but if I did my parent would have been sent to jail." I said he looked confused as he sat on the bed and I shut the door to our now shared room, I went and sat on the couch that had a pillow and a blanket on it "why would they do that?" He asked "cause earths people are fucking retarded" I said back "to be honest, I hated every second of school, but I looked forward to escaping it and learning about what had happened in the past from my world, the wars, the presidents of America, all of it, it's like my brain could place myself into that time, living with the people who did all those things" I continued he smiled at me "so you have a passion for history do you? Did you read about it?" He asked

"Absolutely not. I hated reading, i dont know if it's still the same while I'm dead but I was dyslexic and had really bad ADHD" I said "what are those?" He asked "well Dyslexia is a disorder where your eyes read things mixed up, like lower case b's can look like d's or p's or just have a different word in general" I said he nodded telling me to continue "and ADHD, well that's just being super hyper focused or not focused at all, being really tired or really energetic. I was always on the really energetic side of the scale" I said "oh? What did you do when you were like that?" He asked "I played a shit ton of sports, there's not one sport I didn't try while I was alive" I said and he nodded "so you were physically fit then right?" He asked and I nodded.

The devil and the grim reaper ( A Lucifer x OC ) Where stories live. Discover now