Harry was friendly with you. Normal. He treated you like his daughter's best friend. Which was good. But you hated it. You wanted to sit in his lap and wrap your arms around his shoulders and laugh at his jokes with everyone around you. You wanted to hold his hand and sneak kisses. But that wasn't going to happen. The man had a wife that was never far away. He was only yours in secret. In your apartment with the door locked and covered with lies. He was only yours when no one was watching. When no one could hear.

You were good at dinner. Barely glanced at him as you ate your food. Then after dinner you only let your eyes roam his features as he was talking to everyone and thanking them for coming. You indulged in the way his lips moved and how his green eyes sparkled. How his hands and ringed fingers gesticulated as he spoke. His grin.

He looked at you toward the end of his little thank-you speech and raised his glass upward. You raised yours upward with everyone else and then sipped together. Eyes locked. But it was only for a handful of seconds but it got you warm. Got your thighs smushing together tightly under your white linen dress.

And after dessert when everyone was casually chatting and walking around the space of the backyard, Harry put a hand on your bare shoulder and spoke quietly into your ear, "Don't leave until you and I can have a chat." When he spoke the word chat he squeezed at your skin and just as he began to walk away looked down at you and winked.

The panty liner was necessary.

You helped Fae restock some of the empty bottles and refresh the ice in the cooler. You tried to keep busy and not imagine what Harry wanted to "chat" about. Or if "chat" was code for something else. You weren't sure if you hoped it was code for something more or not. Maybe a kiss. Maybe it was just a chat.

You did miss him desperately. It'd been a couple of weeks since he'd been in your bed. That's where all of your trysts took place. At your apartment. Sometimes you could have him for the whole day. Sometimes just an hour. Once overnight.

But you had been busy and were scheduled to work and cover a few servers who couldn't come in for whatever reason. And Harry had a business trip that had him gone for almost a week. Normally you and Harry got together about once a week. So two weeks and a half was too much.

The neighbor was a friendly guy. He seemed to be very outgoing and kind to everyone at the party. You could see why he was invited and why the Styles liked him as a close friend. He was a hoot really. In fact, talking to him and listening to his crazy story about when he was in college had you reminiscing about your own experience, and he made you laugh. He helped you forget for a moment about your little taboo affair. He got your mind off Harry for a few minutes.

But Harry wasn't a big fan of the way you were laughing with Abe. The way Abe grasped your forearm and leaned in to tell you something quietly that had you grinning.

And so the few minutes of reprieve you had from obsessing and gushing over Harry in your brain was suddenly halted when the man was standing next to you and your new acquaintance.

"Y/n. I could use your help with something. Do you mind?" He raised a brow and pointed toward the house.

You gulped and nodded, "Oh. Sure, Mr. Styles." You smiled politely at Abe and followed the broad-shouldered man into his home.

He silently led you upstairs and to the large hallway bathroom that was never used. Ushering you inside he closed and locked the door.

You stood silently watching him as he unbuttoned the cuffs of his soft pink button-up shirt and then brought his eyes up to yours as he rolled the fabric up his forearms.

"Abe's a nice guy isn't he?" Harry finally spoke, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning into the large vanity counter with a wall-length mirror behind him.

Best Friend's Dad!HarryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora