Chapter 13: Separate Ways

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The cloud of anger slowly dissipated, "The world isn't as awful as you make it sound. Yes, awful things have happened, but it won't always be this way. I choose to believe that. And for the record, you're right. You don't owe me anything. I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time."

She didn't look angry anymore but there was a kind of sadness in her giant melting brown eyes, a look that could get you killed outside the walls of River District and a look that for whatever reason felt like it was killing him inside. He didn't know why but he suddenly wanted her to be angry again. He wanted her to scream, yell, maybe throw something at him or perhaps maybe just give him the cold shoulder, but he couldn't look at her when she looked at him like that. He didn't deserve that.

He shifted his gaze outside; he could see the orderly lines of people filing into the old presentation center for the tribunal to determine Evelyn's fate. He instantly wished his mind didn't connect the image before him with that of the taxi line back at the mall. The thought was disturbing but both lines were equally pointless. The Serenity Society converters could only make wild accusations about the colony's corruption, Jonathan had a backstage pass. While not as wild or fabricated as the Serenity Society's claims, River district was still run like a military organization which meant there were ranks to be pulled and the ubiquitous belief that certain information was strictly on a need-to-know basis. That's why he knew the higher ups had already sealed Evelyn's fate, providing the opportunity to voice public concerns were just a formality so that they wouldn't have a mutiny on their hands. At least any more than they already did, that is. The small but growing population of Serenity Society members were goading the people in the lines like a small horde of angry pajama models... and if Evie was right... if any of them knew Evie had connections to cure... He couldn't even begin to imagine what that could mean. The tribunal on the other hand, he knew what the tribunal would do. They'd question her for information, test her abilities to see if she had any useful skills. Her background as a medic would likely allow her a place in the district and then just like that, she'd be another soldier, another drone.

That's when he caught sight of the guards patrolling the square. There was always security, but there was more of them then there ought to be. Fewer were dedicated to the Serenity Society members than would be expected and Jonathan noticed that their firearms were raised, and their search lights were on. They were inspecting the buildings.

Evelyn paled when she noticed what he was looking at. "It's because of me, isn't it? I'm sorry."

Jonathan gave her an unreadable look, "they cannot find us together, especially not here."

"They haven't sounded an alarm?"

Jonathan shook his head, "they won't do that, creates panic. Too much emotion. Look we have to go." He pulled Evelyn away from the window, "listen, I can get you back to holding, make up some excuse or something. There's still a chance they will let you stay—"

"Jonathan, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I can't go back to holding. I know you said that it's a fantasy, but I choose to believe that if I can make it this far then so can my family. I believe they are still out there and if they are they will be looking for me too. I have to keep looking. If they're not here, I can't stop."

Jonathan ran a hand through his dark hair and let out a loud frustrated grunt, "okay, c'mon, I'll sneak you out."

Evelyn blinked at him, clearly prepared to fight with him more on the subject. "What?"

He grabbed her arm and towed her through the backdoor of the records room at a full sprint.

"Thanks—" She tried to say.

"Don't thank me." He told her. His voice sounded harsh, harsher than he'd intended, and Evelyn suddenly grew quiet.

Luckily most people were still at the tribunal, so it wasn't difficult to avoid the crowds. They zig zagged around the back of the buildings and Jonathan found himself moving instinctively left and right through the dark, changing direction anytime they drew too near any search lights or foreign footsteps.

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