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- Valentin's POV -

As I arrived at the cabin, a sense of dread washed over me like a tidal wave. The weight of my duty hung heavy on my shoulders, the knowledge that I must confront my brother, my flesh and blood, filled me with an indescribable anguish,
As I stepped out of the car, I steel myself for what lies ahead. Maxim awaits inside, his attack against Juliette a bitter reminder of the fractures that now run through bond. The thought of what he may have done to her in my absence twisted my stomach into knots, and a fierce determination surged within me.
I approached the cabin with caution, every step echoing the turmoil raging within my soul. I hope against hope that I can reason with Aleksander, that I can convince him to release Juliette to me unharmed. But deep down, I know that the bond of brotherhood had been irreparably shattered by his betrayal against not only me but the family. We had codes and laws, we must abide by and he broke the very most important one.

As I peered through the window, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over me at the sight of Juliette sitting on the couch, enveloped in a blanket, with my brother tending to her. Jealousy and anger intertwined within me like a venomous serpent, gnawing at my resolve.
Without hesitation, I raised my weapon and aimed, my finger tightening on the trigger as I prepared to shoot the lock off the door. The deafening blast reverberated through the air, echoing in my ears as I burst into the cabin, my heart pounding with adrenaline.

But my entrance was immediately met with resistance as Maxim stepped forward, blocking my path with a fierce determination in his eyes. His presence is like a barrier between Juliette and I, a reminder of the betrayal that now stands between us.

I grit my teeth, my grip tightening on my gun as I lock eyes with my brother, a silent battle of wills passing between us.

My confusion swirled into a tempest of emotions as Aleksander hushed me, my eyes darting between my brother and Juliette, searching for answers that remained elusive.

Approaching Juliette, I knelt beside her, my heart heavy with concern.

"Juliette?" I called softly, hoping to draw her attention.


Her response was distant and aloof, and my heart sank further as she turned to my brother seeking solace in his presence.
"Juliette, it's me," I urged, desperation creeping into my voice as I reached out to touch her hand, only to have it brushed away.

Aleksander injected, "She had a bit of head trauma, she has some memory loss," his explanation only fueled my anxiety, and as I gently caressed Juliette's face, her inability to recognize me shattered the last remnants of my composure.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked, my voice trembling with emotion.

Her answer was like a knife through my heart.
"I-I don't, I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice wavering with uncertainty.

Anguish surged within me, threatening to consume me whole, but before I could unravel completely, rage surged to the surface, and I launched myself at Aleksander, demanding answers, demanding retribution for what he had done to her.

But Juliette's plea stopped me in my tracks, her voice begging for peace amidst the chaos.

"Stop, leave him alone," She cried.

I hesitated, torn between my fury and my desire to protect her, and as Maxim pressed her down against the couch, a surge of helplessness washed over me.

"Don't touch me!" Juliette's voice was filled with fury as she kicked out at Maxim, her eyes flashing with defiance against the memory of the small slice across her breast. She glared at him, her resolve unyielding.

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