CH 10: Delusion

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Luffy and the others went back to the shrine, finding Kokomi.

Kokomi: How is Teppei's condition?

Lumine: He's taken a sudden turn for the worse.

Kokomi: ... I have out out the order to seize all Delusions. The vast majority are showing some loss of vitality but nothing serious. Sadly, a few have been... Less fortunate...

Gorou: Your Excellency, I'm planning to establish a dedicated field hospital to monitor their condition. The soldiers are up in arms about the ban, though. They know full well what a Delusion is, but they still intend to keep using them.

Kokomi: Okay, I'll leave you to deal with this situation. I have to get to the front line. This whole fiasco is certain to be a blow to morale. If the Shogun's Army attacks now while we're scrambling to recover, it could well undo everything we have achieved so far. Luffy, what are your thoughts?

Luffy: I'll go deal with the Fatui who have done this.

Kokomi: We need to destroy the factory where the Delusions are made to stop them. It's heavily guarded, so it's too dangerous to go alone. Take some troops with you, at least...

Luffy: I don't have time for this.

Gorou: Your Excellency his right, given the urgency of the situation, we were hardly discreet when confiscating the Delusions. The Fatui are sure to take notice. If we spend any longer amassing our forces, they will get wind of our plans and make their escape.

Kokomi: I suspect the factory is likely to be on the cliffs near the ocean southwest of Yashiori Island. Please be careful. We have lost too many fighters already...

Luffy: Got it.

Before Luffy moves out, Paimon stops him.

Paimon: Huh? Do you mean to the Delusion factory? Really? You aren't going to think it over first? I don't know about this... Last time we left you for something, it didn't go so well... What do you think, Lumine?

Lumine: ...

Lumine, at first, thinks it is a bad idea to leave Luffy again, but then Luffy turns to Lumine with his serious face, how determined he is. She gave herself a thought until she answered.

Lumine: I know that look before. Once he makes his mind up, He won't back down until he finishes it. If Luffy is going somewhere dangerous, He won't be alone.

Paimon: Yeah... Yeah! We will help Luffy in whatever we can!

Luffy nodded as he moved out while Lumine and Paimon followed him. After searching for the place where the Delusions are being made, he breaks into the Delusion Factory to stop their operation. There were a bunch of Fatui members fighting on their way to each room at the time. They entered the final room, but this time, the lines of ground seemed to be smoking purple. Then, more Fatui members come in to stop them.

Fatui: Intruders spotted...

Fatui n2: Do not let them impede the work of the Harbingers.

Fatui n3: You'll never get out of here alive!

Fatui n4: Don't be intimidated. The Sixth Harbinger will be here soon.

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