CH 02: Confessions of an Outlander

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After they found the suspect

Werner: Kenjirou! It's him!

Paimon: After him!

Luffy: Yeah!

Lumine: Wait! before we take action. We should sneak behind him and get the information from him just in case.

Luffy: I can just kick his ass right now and tell him that he did it.

Lumine: Luffy...

Luffy feels the vibe of an angry aura around Lumine.

Luffy: I-I mean yeah. Let's do your plan.

Werner: What kind of relationship do they have?

Paimon: You have no idea...

Later the group took the time to sneak around behind Kenjirou's back. As he walks outside the street, he seems to be buried in something and leaves. the group couldn't tell what he put by their view.

Werner: What could he be doing in a place like this...

Paimon: It looked like he buried something over there, didn't it? Why don't we take a look?

Luffy: Maybe he's hiding a treasure!

Paimon: A treasure!? You think so!?

Lumine: (These two...)

The group checked out and saw what he was buried

Luffy: A book?

Paimon: Actually, it's... a ledger...

Luffy: Aw... I was hoping he was hiding the treasure there.

Paimon: Boring... Paimon thought the same.

Lumine: Ah yes, the real reason Paimon and Luffy came along.

Paimon: Ehehe, yeah...

Luffy: Maybe we can sell it?

Werner: Wait, let me take a look first...

He read the ledger.

Werner: Aha, yes. This is what we're looking for. A clear and complete record of every single transaction, each one proof of his guilt.

Paimon: Great! Well, now we have our hard evidence, let's go tell Kurisu the good news, shall we?

Werner: Ah, um... I-I'll say goodbye to you here, then.

Paimon: Huh? You aren't gonna come with us?

Luffy: How come?

Werner: I... I need a little more time before I'm ready to face the head of the association. I'm sorry.

Paimon: *sigh* Poor Werner's a pretty awkward guy, huh...

Meanwhile, Kurisu is about to get into debt

Kejirou: You know the decree. The rules are the rules. No discounts, no exceptions - and no excuses!

One Piece: Tale of Teyvat - Book 2 [Genshin Impact X Luffy Reader]Where stories live. Discover now