My Prince

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I come back to the present when I hear Taehyung knocking on the door. I open the door.

Author POV

Tae - "What were you doing? Did you fall asleep? "
JM - "No.. I was just changing slowly… "
Tae - "Okay. Sit on the dining table then. I'll serve the food quickly."

They bought dinner outside because today was a busy day at the office and none of them wanted to cook dinner.

JM - "Um.. Okay. But can you tell-"
Taehyung puts his finger on his lips saying 'Shhh’ to Jimin.
Tae - "We talk after eating. Food is important. Who knows… maybe you won't want to eat after talking? "
JM - “What exactly is it?”
Tae - “You'll know.”

Taehyung pinched Jimin's cheek like a kid and jumped towards the kitchen.
After the dinner is ready they sit and Taehyung explains, “Okay… so about that spirits thing, let's say.. Like angels and genie there are also spirits in this world.”

JM - “That's obvious by now. And?”
Tae - “And.. These spirits attach themselves to low vibrational things. Anything that's abandoned or old. And also to people living a low vibrational life. Full of stress, sadness and anxiety. So you had some of these spirits as well.”
JM - “Oo…Now I get why I felt so scared at night sometimes.”
Tae - “Not only night but they stay in the morning too. Everyone has a room Or a part of in their house which is prone to spirits. Yours is the kitchen here. Maybe some stuff happened here that made the kitchen a sad place… so the spirits made it their home. And that is why I wasn't letting you to be in the kitchen for too long.”
JM - “W-wait… so are they?”
Tae - “No. They aren't here anymore. I… made them leave.”

Jimin sighs in relief.

Tae - “The house is really pure now. It's only us here.”
JM - “Um.. Yeah. It is. Good to know it wasn't something more dangerous…”

Jimin starts eating his food, relieved that there isn't anything to worry about. But the relief was short-lived. After two bites of food Taehyung says,“Well.. There is something though… There are spirits outside who are trying to attach themselves to you. And drain your energy..”

Jimin stopped eating and stared at him. He took a huge breath in and let it out.
JM - “Are you seriouss?”
Tae - “Yes. A 100% serious. That is why I'm staying near you even more. Whenever you check your phone, your vibrations drop and lures in spirits..”
JM - “Don't get me wrong.. But that sounds made up.”
Tae - “Believe it or not, it's up to you. But even you know that you don't like how you behave towards that guy.”
JM - “How do you… Oh.. Guardian angel. I keep forgetting what you are. You're so human-like.”
Tae - “That's cause I was. Duh. Far back in the past. But that's not the point right now. The point is…Get over Yoongi.”
JM - “That's easy for you to say. It's been a year now since I've liked him. It's gonna take time.”

Jimin chews his food after saying that.

Tae - “Yeah. So you would rather dwell over him and waste your energy for another year?”
JM - “Nooo.. But-”
Jimin looks down at his plate circling his spoon there.
Tae - “So what I'm trying to say is.. Let's try to get better. Feel better.. You don't have to get over him or deal with any problems alone or quickly. Just, let me stay by your side.”

Jimin looks up. Kinda flustered by what he just heard. It's the first time someone has said stuff like this to him. Is it even normal? It sounds too intimate.

JM - “ that is fine. You do you. I'll try to cooperate with this..Uh..You should eat now. We can talk more later. Yeah?”
Tae - “Sure. Anytime.”

They finish their food and start getting ready to go to bed. Jimin, sitting in his bedroom, feels the cold weather. Even though the windows are closed, the room feels kinda cold. It's the month of December. It is the only obvious reason. But Taehyung's spirit stories kinda spooked him. He also thinks how Taehyung can sleep on the sofa with that slim blanket?
He calls Taehyung and asks, “Would you like to.. Sleep in this room? Isn't it cold on the sofa? “
Taehyung thought for a while and answered, “No…I think I'll be alright.”

Sleeping in this room meant sleeping with Jimin. And he knows that sleeping with Jimin would make his nonexistent heart do summersaults inside his chest. It was a better idea to avoid this or else he'll be in a difficult position.

JM - “Come on. It's alright. I'm comfortable with this and I might be gay but I'm not a pervert. So don't worry.”
Tae - “I already know that but I'm fine. Really.”

Jimin makes a sad pouty face but he knows he can't force Taehyung. Taehyung then tells Jimin good night and heads towards the sofa. He was tucking himself in the blanket when he felt something sharp on his hand. It was a cockroach. When he saw it, he immediately moved his hand away and started to shake off his whole body as if there were more of them on him. He was so scared that he ran to Jimin's room leaving the blanket half on the floor and half on the sofa. He closed the door as soon as he entered imagining that the cockroach was chasing after him. He looked at Jimin trying to catch his breath. Jimin, who was reading a book, looked in concern. He put the book aside and went to Taehyung.

JM - “Hey you alright? What happened?”
Tae - “I… There's.. There's a cockroach! I was..”

He hugged Jimin trying to calm himself down. Jimin patted him and said, “It's fine.. It's fine Tae. You can calm down now.”
He then breaks the hug feeling a little more stable.

Tae - “So.. Sorry to refuse earlier but can I please sleep here tonight? And can you please please get rid of that thing?”
Jimin chuckled seeing how cute Taehyung looked at the moment.
JM - “Of course. You can sleep here and I'll get rid of that thing. Hahaha.”
Tae - “This is not funny. My whole life and past life flashed in front of my eyes I swear.”

Jimin laughed more at Taehyung explaining how terrifying the cockroach was and how it might be searching for him in the night.

JM - “Really? A cockroach would attack you in the middle of the night? Taehyungahh.. You could be a comedian. OMG. Hahaha.”
Tae - “You better protect me through the night.”
JM - “Who's the ‘Guardian’ Angel here?”
Tae - “I'm your Guardian Angel but not against cockroaches. They are a nightmare.”

Jimin flirtily says, “Ok. I will protect you little princess.”
Then smirks at Taehyung. Taehyung dramatically covers his chest area and gasps, “How can you flirt with me Mr. Park? That's so indecent of you. But I'm not going to fall for your traps.”
He flips his hair and walks two steps when Jimin holds his hand.

Jimin - “You can't escape from me princess.”

Jimin pulls Taehyung and dramatically pins him to the wall but in two seconds Taehyung switched the position and now Jimin was against the wall with Taehyung holding both of his hands above his head with just one hand of his.
Taehyung says in his deep voice, “Who's a little princess now?”

It took Jimin an eye contact with Taehyung to realise how close they were. It's not too close but close enough to feel the tension. Feel the silence between them when they've both realised that this drama might not be just a drama anymore. Taehyung touches Jimin's cheek with his other hand knowing very well that one move can change everything…
Call him a coward. But this was too much to risk. He lets his hand fall to Jimin's shoulder and lets out a laugh as if this was part of the drama too. Jimin laughs as well.

Tae - “Yo.. What was that? It was so funny. I've never done this before.”
JM - “Me too. It just came naturally just now..”
Taehyung steps away freeing Jimin.
JM - “Well.. Um.. You can sleep. I'll keep the lights on for a while cause I'll be reading.”
Tae - “Oh.. No problem. I sleep with my eyes open a lot of times. Light is nothing.”
JM - “You sure have so many talents.”
Tae - “I'm a masterpiece after all. You know? ”

Jimin smiles and walks towards the bed and tucks his legs inside the big blanket. Taehyung also moves inside the blanket and turns towards Jimin.

Tae - “What are you reading?”
JM - “Just a forbidden romance story.”
Tae - “Oh..”
JM - “Sleep. Or do you want to stare at me all night?”

Taehyung thought that wouldn't be a bad idea but of course he couldn't say it. He just closed his eyes without moving the slightest. To feel that Jimin was next to him, was enough.
Jimin stole glances of sleeping Taehyung while reading.
At around 11:34 he decided to sleep as well. Jimin turned off the lights. He tried to sleep on his back to avoid any awkwardness but gave up in a minute. So then he slept facing away from him. This was the best way he could avoid awkward incidents from happening as well as get a good sleep.

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