The term "learned helplessness" - choices and intentions

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Learned helplessness- choices and intentions

What does it really mean.
To me it can mean what ever the bloody hell you want it to mean.
We as humans have leaned helplessness behaviours.
We made that choice when we chose to label ourselves that way.
You might understand that cursing at the cat for knocking the cup off the table is a waste of energy, because cats do what ever the bloody hell cats what to do.
But thats why I love cats, they have servants not owners. Cats are demanding but so loving, but only on their terms. Only someone that understands cats will get what I'm saying. Because in that moment you could feel 'learned helplessness' or you could just laugh and remember that cats just do what they like to keep themselves entertained.
The choice is yours to make what ever story up about the situation.
Que self dialogue about your personal interpretation. Haha
The same as people who own and love a chestnut mare.
And then that there is a stereotype, and a whole other conversation can begin.....

So circling back to the story about leaned helplessness.
Like I said you can name it what ever you want. But it is still just a form of learning, it was you who made the choice to put helplessness behind it.
The horse was given a choice at the end of the day and he made his decision. He knew which was his battle to fight and what to give in to.
I can only hope that the horse was given these choices with kindness and compassion and freedom in mind.
Did the horse honestly have an opinion to leave, was the horse tied up or in a small yard where he wasn't able to get away.
What was the intention behind the process.
It all starts with an idea right.
So an Indian wanted to ride a wild horse, why... maybe they wanted to be able to wander further and graze other areas like they had observed wild herd do for so long.
So they had to 'think smarter, so they didn't have to work harder'.
They had to work out a way to connect with a wild animal so that it wanted to be with them.
I'm talking about a person that was a hunter and gatherer ( on a biologically, evolutionary level) wanted to work together with an animal that they actually could hunt to eat to feed themselves to stay alive.
But they chose to befriend that animal so both species could feel safe and protect each other.
Because ultimately that horse then would carry that person into battle. That's self sacrifice at its finest.
A predator sitting atop of a prayed on animal with nothing more than a rope ( I'm just assuming) to control that powerful animal. Now that is some amazing stuff.
This isn't a story about how the first contact was made or the process to turn a wild animal into a ridden partner happened.
I simply wanted to shine light on the intension behind the need or want.
There is always a method in your madness.
Like the saying goes 'necessity is the mother of invention'.
No different to the power of intention.
So then leaned helplessness to me all depends on the individual situation.

And thats why you can call it what you like.

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