15. Asal | Real | اصل

Start from the beginning

"I... I missed you," Rumi managed to say between sobs.

"Oh, my poor child! You must be feeling so lonely here. But it's alright now, I'm here-" Ayesha's words were interrupted by Hania's abrupt entrance. She screeched as she held her broken heel in one hand, a scowl marring her. Look like princess's heel broke!! Oops note the sarcasm!

Composing herself, Rumi greeted Hania as she approached.

"Ammi, you didn't even wait for me! Look, my heel broke! Ahh!" Hania whined repeatedly, completely ignoring Rumi. Rumi winced slightly, wiping away the tears that escaped again.

"Please, come inside," Rumi said softly to both of them as they stood near the main door.

Hania glanced at her and sneered. "Of course we will," she replied, barging in and aggressively bumping into Rumi's shoulder.

Rumi remained silent, as was now customary for her.

But Ayesha noticed and sighed. "Ignore her, beta. She's just frustrated because of the travel and her heels," Ayesha said, entering while holding Rumi's hand and leading her toward the living room.

She noticed Hania already settling comfortably in the living room.

"Ammi, please have a seat. I'll bring some water for you," Rumi said before heading to the kitchen. Bringing water was merely an excuse to compose herself away from her in-laws' eyes.

Taking a deep breath in the kitchen, she made herself presentable for their guests, after she was new bride nit for zayan but for her in laws. The bittersweet thought brought a painful smile to her lips as she returned to offer them water.

Pleasant greetings and inquiries about health were exchanged as they shared snippets of their daily lives.

"Will bhai not be joining us, hana bhabi?" she inquired about her brother.

"Your brother never tells me anything, Rumi," Hania replied emotionlessly. It saddened Rumi, especially for Hana's sake. She couldn't understand why her brother treated her this way. She had always assumed it was due to her sister-in-law's jealous tendencies, but Who knows the truth?

Before Rumi could respond, Ayesha interjected. "Hana, call her 'bhabi'; she's your brother's wife now, just as you are hers," Ayesha said with a smile.

Hania clenched her teeth internally but smiled at her mother. "Of course, Ammi. It'll take some time to adjust."

Time passed in silence as they shared lunch, and then Hana retired to a guest room to rest while Ayesha remained in the living room, occupied with who knows what.

Rumi contemplated taking a rest, but the thought of unwashed dishes nagged at her, and she found herself back in the kitchen, too exhausted to continue.


After everything, I was finally ready to take some rest, so I started towards my room. But my steps faltered as a troubling thought crossed my mind.

If I go to my small room, Ammi will undoubtedly bombard me with questions about why we're living separately. What could I possibly say to her? Zayan had strictly warned me not to reveal anything. What should I do now?

𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭 𝐊𝐞 𝐀𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐨 (Do Not Read, Incomplete Story) Where stories live. Discover now