14. Andaisha | concern | اندیشہ

Start from the beginning

However, Hana's subsequent revelation tore through the fabric of my trust. She disclosed Rumi's manipulation tactics, including blackmailing my sister to coerce me into accepting her advances.

Otherwise she wouldn't let hana her love life. Despite my initial disbelief, Rumi's subsequent actions eroded my faith in her, planting a seed of doubt within my heart.

Just moments before my departure, the Siddiquis, Rumi's family, visited to bid me farewell.

It was then that Rumi confessed her love for me, her words melting my resolve and leaving me vulnerable.

In a attempt to test her devotion, I callously rejected her, dismissing her love as immature and childish.

Just to See what she'll do if I don't accept her.

The sight of her tear-streaked face shattered me, it made me so vulnerable that i could reciprocate her feeling there and then.

But later it confirmed Hana's warnings and plunging me into a pit of regret.

Rumi's subsequent behavior only served to validate Hana's claims, as she revealed her true colors, exploiting hana's affection for her brother Taha to further her own agenda.

Upon my arrival in the USA, I met Noor

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Merely a day into our marriage, and already this woman's influence is beginning to weigh heavily on me.

But let's not overlook her transgressions, Zayan. Remember what she did to your sister? How she attempted to dismantle your sister's happiness simply because you didn't return her affections – a pathetic reason, indeed. Pathetic love!

'Love is not for me.Indeed!!'

And you were spot-on about her character. She's nothing but spoiled rotten. I asked her to tidy up a room, and she ended up bedridden. Is she truly that feeble? No, this is the result of indulging in luxury and laziness!!!!

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Despite his initial reluctance, Zayan finally mustered the courage to enter his room where Rumi lay peacefully asleep.

To him, she appeared exceedingly delicate, her serene slumber tugging at his heartstrings.

Sitting beside her on a small stool, he found himself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to pinpoint a singular feeling.

Suddenly, the intrusive ringing of his phone shattered his reverie, prompting Zayan to retreat to the balcony to answer.

On the other end of the line was Hana, greeted him.Her voice laden with irritation and concern.

"Walaikum Assalam, Hana. Is everything alright? Why did you called this late?" Zayan inquired, his tone tinged with worry.

"Bhai, everything is as it as even after Rumi's rukhsati.And yeah Where is your so-called wife? She's turned our household upside down because she can't be bothered to pick up her phone! Taha is eating my brain How thoughtless!" Hana's words dripped with sarcasm and frustration.

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