Prevention or Cure

Start from the beginning

"Jimin_ah we'll get revenge for your father's death. I promise to be your side till death" Hoseok promised.

"I can't see anyone die hyung, so don't say that. I've lost a lot of precious people in my life, I can't bear to see more of them people die in front of my eyes" Jimin sobbed.

"I'm sorry Jimin, please don't cry, it breaks my heart" Hoseok's voice cracked as he pulled Jimin to his embrace.

"I hope Jungkook doesn't have anything more to hide" Jimin sighed.

"Let's not talk about them for now. You know Jaemin misses you so much, how you always brought gifts for him when you visited our home. He's kept all your gifts nicely stacked in his room. That guy doesn't even let me touch them saying I'll break them. I can't believe he says that to me, his hyung!" Hoseok scoffed making Jimin chuckle.

Watching Jimin laugh made Hoseok smile. At least he's happy for now, he thought.

"You know I miss him too. Can we talk to him on video call or something?" Jimin asked, Hoseok beamed with a nod.

After chatting with his little brother, Hoseok felt a bit relieved. As promised Taemin took care of Jaemin's safety, he was transfered to a different school without alerting Taehyung. Another guy was replaced instead of him, hopefully this arrangement won't be busted anytime soon due to Taehyung's busy schedule. Usually he visits Jaemin's school personally to check up on him, but now it won't be possible due to the upcoming Board Meeting. This was the meeting where Taehyung was planning to play his cards by telling everyone about Jimin's unhealthy mental state and using it to take the CEO's position for himself, permanently. Right now he was just acting as a CEO in the absence of Jimin, but he wants to own the empire and get rid of the Parks.

At Park Empire's office,

"I couldn't get any evidence to prove Jimin insane. Till when do I have to serve these Parks? It's time for us Kims to takeover! That's what my father would have wanted, right Dad" Taehyung grinned with his eyes stuck on his phone screen. "How much I miss us, our family! The pain we went through all because of these Parks is just so unfair" Taehyung mumbled caressing his phone screen, later placing it on his chest as a tear trickled down his cheek.

Knock knock

"Yes!" he sat straight, clearing his throat as his secretary made his way in dressed in a blue suit.

"Sir we have a meeting at 3pm and it would last around two hours. Later we have to visit our upcoming project investors, and discuss our plans with them. Shall we get going Sir?" he queried.

"Let's go" he got up keeping his phone in his pocket. He picked up his green suit which he wore quickly adjusting it, his secretary checked for any crumple being present later dusting it to get rid of any foreign substance on the clothing. His dark green suit matched well with the similar colored vest he wore inside over the stripped white shirt. He adjusted his maroon tie painted with green stripes around his collar while making his way to the Board Room.

"Hello everyone! It's my pleasure to meet you all. Let's begin the meeting" he announced taking his seat at the very end as the speaker began the presentation prepared for the meeting.

As the meeting began, everything went blur. His mind was stuck around random thoughts which he's been having about ever since they moved to that damn place. He knew that place was the best to execute his plan, it was isolated and Jimin couldn't reach anyone real quick even if he wanted to. But why did everything went off track, it was perfect. He sighed trying to focus on the meeting, but his mind kept drifting away.

"So gentlemen, here we end our presentation and thank you for your time. Hopefully we'll get to see more progress in the upcoming projects as we move ahead" the speaker ended his presentation.

Caught in a Lie ~ Vminkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now