Ryuko took the imitative and headed towards Sanageyama as Y/N and Mako headed back to the crowd blending in to watch the fight happen. 

Sanageyama : "So you've come after all, Matoi."

Ryuko: "I was called here by one of the Elite Four. I couldn't exactly run away from that now could I?"

Ah, so that's what they were called, Elite Four.. sounds dumb. I mean it's cool but it also sounds dumb, effectively flawed. I still don't remember the guys name.

Sanageyama monitored the crowd noticing the blatant white haired boy. Afterall, who else had a bizarre hair colour like pure white in their teenage years?"

Sanageyama: "And when I defeat you Matoi, I shall deal with Satoru effectively as well, he brought shame and harmed Lady Satsuki, for that, he'll face death as his punishment."

Ryuko: "Thinking about beating me is laughable but beating Y/N? Boy I pity your small brain. That guy.. he's the strongest person I know so he wouldn't lose to someone like you."

Sanageyama: "DAM BITCH! I Sanageyama, of the Elite Four will teach you a lesson in defeat!"

Ah, that's his name. Well, this will be an easy sweep for us. Also San a gey yamama AHAHAHAHA. Oh man, poor dude.

And then, Sanageyama did the unthinkable, he transformed into a fucking robot with his 3-star Goku uniform? I didn't know these knock-off's also copied transformations?!

And then, Sanageyama did the unthinkable, he transformed into a fucking robot with his 3-star Goku uniform? I didn't know these knock-off's also copied transformations?!

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Sanageyama: "Three Star Goku Uniform: Blade Regalia!" 

I mean, the robot looking thing is pretty cool but what's with the legs, big arm and shoulder pads but tiny feet. Dam I feel very judgemental today, what was in those croquettes.. 

Ryuko: "That's kinda impressive! Guess I'll better transform as well then!"

Then she pulled the pin that was on her gloves activating her transformation. This will be a good fight.

Y/N grabbed the popcorns from the student aside him.

Extra: "Hey that's mine!"

Y/N: "Is it? Well too bad, it's mine now."

The other 0-star didn't bother to fight back knowing Y/N was not a 0-star like him. Better to live another day.

The fight was pretty decent.

Ryuko went on the offensive with her scissor blades but Sanageyama kept countering her moves like he was some kinda of parry machine.

Hey, what do you know, it's a robot so maybe he is a parry bot. No, wait, he's using his sight to see her moves and parry it. Yes, that was it.

Y/N: "Oi! Ryuko, blind his eyes, he use his sight or some bullshit to predict your stuff."

Sanageyama looked over at Y/N cursing Y/N. He was gonna reveal his cool trick to Ryuko and impress her with his overpowered ability and completely destroy her. All well, he'll just beat her even faster then.

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