Chapter 9 : How to die while saving a child

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When I walked out of the apartment, it was exactly 8:30 in the evening. At this time, Brooklyn was in crisis, and criminals were ready to act. Of course, Goofy wouldn't waste this great opportunity. After finishing his clothes, he was about to go for a walk in the black area. Unexpectedly, before he left the residential area, an anxious cry for help came from not far away.

"Can anyone help? Come and help!"

Goofy looked at the prestige and saw an old white lady desperately asking for help. She shouted and looked up nervously. Goofy followed her gaze and saw a one- or two-year-old boy on the balcony of the fifth-floor apartment. The child climbed to the window sill with half of his body leaning out. If this child shakes it twice, he will fall from the fifth floor. The situation is extremely dangerous!

At this time, the old lady saw Goofy and hurried over for help.

"Young man, help me. I just went out to buy paper and forgot my keys, so I can't get in... Only my little grandson is left at home; who knew he climbed onto the balcony? Please save him, please."

Seeing that the child is looking out for another point, he may fall from the sky at any time. The situation at this time is extremely critical, and there is no room for delay.

Goofy pondered for a while and patted the old lady on the shoulder.

"Don't be afraid; I'll help you."

Having said that, he jumped up the fire ladder outside the building and then climbed up. For Goofy, who suffers from acrophobia, this is a good opportunity to die! Climb up to the fifth floor with your bare hands to save people, or you might have to fall to your death when you climb halfway!

In line with the principle of being responsible to the old lady, Goofy gave a friendly reminder as he climbed: "Old lady, don't have too much hope for me; I have acrophobia, so I may not be able to save your grandson!"

When the old lady heard this, the young man who was afraid of heights would risk his life for the unfamiliar children and bravely climbed a five-story building to carry out a rescue! What awe-inspiring righteousness!


[Admiration from Catherine +5]

[Admiration from Catherine +5]


Goofy simply collapsed.

"Old lady, don't patronize me and look for other helpers; I'm not reliable!"

The old lady turned a deaf ear, clenched her fists, and shouted seriously, "Come on! Come on, young man!"

Goofy was extremely helpless, so he had to continue to climb up, and in the blink of an eye, he climbed to the third floor, where the child was already half-hanging in the air.

"Damn, this child is more deadly than me."

Goofy gritted his teeth and pushed his hands and feet up. After raising two levels, his strength and agility surpass those of ordinary people, and his climbing speed is also very fast.

The old lady was dumbfounded and frantically added admiration value to Goofy.

Goofy was a burst of despair—the admiration value contributed by this old lady by herself is about to catch up with the group of passersby at the intersection of death! He won't be able to die anymore.

But at this time, Goofy was already in a four-story high-rise building. If he fell from here, he would have at least a 60% chance of dying. But when he saw the babbling child upstairs, he saw a self-blamed and anxious face downstairs of Grandmother, Goofy felt a sense of responsibility inexplicably.

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