Chapter 3: Collision of Worlds

Start from the beginning

Vivaan extended his hand, the gesture smooth and practiced.

Vivaan: Vivaan Malhotra. It's a pleasure to finally meet the creative mind behind Mehta Innovations' acclaimed designs.

Avni accepted the handshake, her grip firm and assured.

Avni: Avni Gill. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Malhotra. Your reputation as a visionary in the tech industry precedes you.

Even though they may have spoken in a very professional tone, their eyes were locked and having a conversation of their own. The handshake had ignited a spark which send shivers down Agni's spine while Vivaan's eyes carried a smirk seeing his effect on her. Not that Vivaan didn't know about girls drooling over him, but this particular girl's effect gave his heart a tingle and he wanted to continue caressing her hand only to see his effect on her again! Had it not been for Mr. Mehta's voice these two wouldn't have left each others hands.

Mr. Mehta: Hello Everyone! Meet one of my best designers and the lead for this project Avni Kaur Gill.

Avni smiled sweetly yet her cheeks were colored red. She couldn't help but blush. She did not know exactly why her cheeks were flushed and hot and why did that handshake feel so good? Why was she shivering when her soft hands touched his warm hands? Trying her best to shake off the feeling she smiled and quite literally forced her mind to focus on the presentation for the day. On the other hand Vivaan internally smiled and absolutely loved seeing her red cheeks. His heart did a happy dance.

Jahnvi: Gill? As in Rajveer Gill's Daughter

Avni had sense of pride course through her.

Avni: Hello Ms. Thakkar! Yes I am Rajveer Gill's daughter

Mr. Mehta: But I must say that her work is not defined by her name but her own hard work.

Avni smiled. Mr. Mehta was the only one who never judged her by her last name and instead always gave her opportunities to showcase her talent. He had always been fair. Vivaan was mesmerized seeing her working hard in spite of having everything at her finger tips.

The formalities gave way to the task at hand as they took their seats, flanked by their respective teams. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of curiosity and cautious optimism.

Mr. Aarav Desai, the client whose vision had brought them together, was a man of few words but discerning taste. He outlined his expectations succinctly, emphasizing the need for a project that not only set new benchmarks in luxury and technology but also remained deeply rooted in Indian culture and sustainable practices.

Vivaan was the first to present, his proposal a testament to his belief in the transformative power of technology. He spoke of smart buildings, energy-efficient systems, and the integration of AI to enhance the user experience, his words painting a picture of a future where technology and luxury converged seamlessly.

Avni listened intently, her mind already weaving together ideas that could complement Vivaan's vision while staying true to her ethos. For her this was not a competition or a need-to-win presentation. For her it was more of giving the client the best of her abilities. When it was her turn to speak, her presentation was a vivid journey through India's rich cultural tapestry. She proposed using sustainable materials and traditional art forms, creating spaces that told stories, spaces where every corner held a piece of history and heart.

The room was silent as they finished, the team members and Mr. Desai absorbing the depth and breadth of their proposals. It was clear that both Vivaan and Avni were leaders in their fields, their ideas groundbreaking yet grounded in their distinct philosophies.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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