Where have you been, Tommy?

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I just want to say thank you to everyone! I know it was... a long time that I was gone, but you all came back and have supported me like nothing happened! Thank you all so much! I love you all so much.

This is a Saturday Bonus Chapter as a thank you for all you guys have done for me. I missed you all and I love reading your comments!




Tommy looked like a caged tiger. His boots slapped against the marble floors of the glass cell he was in as Callum, Cecil, Ace, Sam, Vin, and I all stared at him. Tommy's brown eyes didn't leave the group of us as he went back and forth, back and forth never once stopping his constant motion.

"He's just looking at us," Vincent said in disbelief. "It's like he doesn't know who we are." Tommy cocked his head at that but didn't stop his steady glide across the ground. I hadn't told them yet about Tommy and I's little conversation while we had fought. I hadn't had time.

After getting Tommy in the car, we had all went our separate ways. I had to drop Maverick off and that had taken a long time. Maverick needed reassurance that I would be safe and I needed reassurance he was okay... and also that we would continue our conversation from the office. He turned as pink as could be before nodding and leaving with a kiss. That seemed like ages ago after having to unload Tommy and fight him into the glass cell the Mussolinis had built into their basement.

I didn't think I necessarily needed to be in attendance, nor Callum for that matter, but the threat against my life and Maverick's was something I was taking personally. Tommy had a lot of explaining when it came to where the hell he had been for last near decade but he also had a lot of explaining when it came to me as well. Why the hell was he after me? Why the fuck me out of all the Lazzarattis? Why a Lazzaratti at all?

"Tommaso?" I heard Emilio say and Tommy halted in his steps as we all watched carefully. Em seemed to perk up when his son stopped his pacing and continued. "My son... where have you been?"

Tommy slowly turned his head and his brown eyes locked with his father's hazel ones. "Son? Is that what you're going to try?" He said with a dry laugh. I could see the pain in Emilio's eyes at his son's words but he kept his face straight but the hand reaching towards Sam's was a clear indication he needed support— support Vincent was quick to offer as well.

"Tommy, what the fuck is your deal?  We thought you were dead— not missing, fucking dead— for almost a decade and all you can do is be a complete dick?" Vincent snapped as he hit his fist to the glass. "What the fuck!?"

Tommy rolled his eyes with a smile as he came closer to the glass where we were so he was directly in front of his dad and his father. "You think grief is hard— living while dead is worse," he hissed coldly. "I realized a long time ago that the family you all love so much is nothing but a bunch of lies."

"How can you even say this?" Sam asked incredulously. "Tommy, please help us to understand what has happened and what is happening now. When this family— your family— lost you, we didn't think we would ever get you back. Now here you are and you're nothing like the innocent boy we once loved and that's okay. We just need to understand why, Tommaso. Please."

Tommy had watched Sam intently as he spoke and I could see he was weighing his words but also he was looking Sam over. Tommy's brown eyes locked onto his father and Sam's hand and his eyebrow quirked up in question. "You were so lost without me you found out you were gay?" Tommy asked with a huff and I couldn't help but let a little one slip out myself. Callum muffled his own into his shirt sleeve. "I'm really touched, Emilio."

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