Winter Soldier

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I woke up early the next morning after my date with Maverick with a smile on my lips. I didn't quite understand our dynamic quite yet but thinking about how he felt in my arms underneath the spray of that water fountain made figuring out how we were working seem obsolete. Yes, I almost killed a security guard and ruined our date but he wasn't mad at me anymore.

He forgave me.

I yawned into my hand as I walked through the apartment I had begun to call home before tying my hair up and pulling my phone off of the charger. I checked through my messages and saw a bunch from the family group chat but chose to ignore it when I saw they were all questions about my date last night. It annoyed me that they even asked honestly because they could give a shit less about my life. They probably only asked because they hoped it'd fail and I would be alone again.

I'd stay the omega.

Omegas don't get to be happy.

I groaned and almost shut my phone off only to jump when it began to ring and Maverick's name popped up. I ignored the grin that spread across my lips and quickly answered it. "Ciao?" I hummed before clearing my throat when I heard how gravely my voice sounded.

"My dad is being an asshole," he said without a greeting. "He came into my office this morning and told me he applied for me to work at a hospital in fucking Europe. Who the fuck does that?"


He ignored me. "I understand its a big opportunity and he wants me to have a good life but... he cant just apply for me to move across the world, right?"


"That's just rude... and— and so wrong of him. He didn't even ask me before he did it. He just went ahead like he always does and sent the application out. He can't just send me away, right?"


"Why would he want me to go all the way to Europe anyways? I'm his son."

"Can I—"

"Apollo what if he makes me leave?" He interrupted again but I knew it was the last time. He sounded drained after the little panic attack he just had. I didn't know why his dad was trying to send him away but I knew he wasn't going to succeed. Maverick was mine... or as close to mine as I could get. If he left, I really would be alone again and I didn't want to be anymore. He made me want to change that.

"You don't have to go anywhere, Maverick. Even if you get the job, you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to," I said with determination. "Why would he want you sent away? Do you have any idea?"

Maverick sighed and I could just imagine him running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "My brother? You? I don't know," he whined and i felt my heart squeeze from the anxiety in his voice. "He hadn't said anything to me about it until this morning. He wouldn't explain. He just told me I needed to look towards the future or I would be left in the past... Who even says that to their kids?"

An asshole.

"My dad," I answered truthfully before scratching the back of my neck. "But, like I said, you don't have to go."

"You've met my dad. He probably would get me fired from the fucking hospital just so I would have to take it. Polly..." he trailed off and everything in me told me to find his asshole of a father and shoot him in the kneecaps but I refrained. Maverick might be upset but he didn't want his father dead. That would be selfish of me to even entertain the idea of, I just didn't want him to feel like this. He shouldn't feel caged in. No one should.

"Why don't you come over and we can talk?" I offered weakly. I wasn't good at consoling anyone who wasn't my family but I could try for him. He needed someone who understood and who better than me? I am the poster child for fucked up dads. "I can order us some food..."

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