Chapter 16

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Natsu and Lucy arrived back at the house hours later. They entered the living room, where both their families were. Probably waiting on them to find out how the date went.

The two of them had huge grins on their faces and were holding hands. The family began to cheer before they even opened their mouths.

"Wait, is that a ring?" Zeref's question seemed to pause the entire celebration.

"I thought you said you weren't going to propose." Jude said in shock, everyone now staring at the ring on Lucy's finger.

Natsu shook his head. "I didn't; it's just a promise ring," he said.

While Igneel, Jude and Zeref sighed in relief, all of the females looked disappointed.

Layla, Grandeeny and Mavis began to hound the two for details of what happened, but Natsu deflected their questions, telling them they were exhausted. The two went upstairs and headed straight to bed.


Lucy had started to go back to school the following Monday. She felt nervous but was okay since she knew Natsu was by her side constantly.

Not much had changed about their dynamic; they just held each other more frequently and shared kisses here and there. They still shared a room, with their parents telling themselves nothing was wrong with that since if they wanted to do something, they could've done it before.

Natsu pulled into the school's parking lot.

"Are you sure you want to go inside? We could skip and go somewhere, just us," Natsu asked his girlfriend.

Lucy shook her head. "As much as I'd love to just go back home with you, I've missed out on too many days. I can't use my injuries as an excuse anymore since I'm practically fully healed."

Natsu kissed the back of her hand, making her smile. They got out of the car and walked into school together. Natsu had his arm draped around Lucy's shoulder as if protecting her from the stares of fellow students.

They first headed to each other's lockers before going to their home room, where they were greeted by their friends.

"Lu-Chan!" Levy cheered, hugging her best friend.

The rest of her friends followed, greeting her with smiles and hugs.

"Alright, that's enough," Natsu said, pushing everyone away from his girlfriend.

Natsu pulled his girlfriend away from the group and towards their seats.

They spent their class time giggling and whispering to each other.

"Do they seem different to you?" Levy questioned her boyfriend, Gajeel from across the classroom. Gajeel looked at the two people his girlfriend was referring to.

"Nope, still weirdly close."

Levy's eyes narrowed at the two. Something was different about them, but she couldn't place it. She wondered if something had finally happened between them, and Lucy just didn't tell her. She continued to stare at the couple, not paying attention to a single word their teacher was saying.

Lucy looked across the classroom at her best friend, who was just staring at her intently. She turned back to her boyfriend.

"Why is she looking at us like that? Do you think she noticed the ring?"

Natsu shook his head, "I doubt it, nobody's noticed the ring or they would've said something" Natsu replied.

"We should tell them today, if we wait any longer I think she'll kill me" Lucy felt levy's stare burning into the side of her head.

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