Chapter 6

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To say that everyone was shocked would be an understatement.

"Zeref and Mavis!" They all exclaimed.

Wendy got up, running towards her eldest brother, who caught her when she threw herself at him.

Everyone else just sat there, unmoving.

"At least someone missed me," Zeref said. His statement made everyone get up and rush over to him and Mavis, his wife, to hug them.

Natsu was the first to get up, and instead of hugging his brother, he headed over to his sister-in-law with his arms wide open but froze as he got closer to her. "Uhhhhhh, what's that?" He asked, pointing at the bundle in Mavis' arms.

Natsu's question had called the attention of everyone else.

"Oh, so you've noticed," Zeref said, smiling brightly. He walked over to his wife and wrapped his arm around her. "This is our son, August Dragneel! Surprise!" He and Mavis shouted together gleefully.

Everyone stood frozen as the atmosphere turned awkward. Nobody had any idea that Mavis was even pregnant, so the anger that Igneel and Grandeeny felt after recovering from their shock was justified. Yes, August could have been adopted; the thought had crossed their minds, but he was a mix of both his parents. He looked a lot like Mavis and Zeref.

"Kids, take August and go to the game room," Grandeeny said in an incensed tone. No one dared to argue with the woman and did as they were told. Mavis had given August to Lucy and watched as the girl hurried to exit the living room with Natsu and Wendy while being careful with the baby.

As soon as the trio left with the baby, Grandeeny turned to the married couple, who stood nervously in the living room. "Sit," the older woman commanded, and the couple did as they were told.

Grandeeny walked towards the couch across from where Zeref and Mavis were sitting and seated herself beside her husband. "You have five minutes to explain why I was not made aware of my grandson's existence," she said sternly.


Natsu sat in front of the TV playing Call of Duty; Wendy stood in front of the claw machine, trying to get the stuffed unicorn inside; and Lucy sat on one of the couches with little baby August in her arms. They all did their own thing in silence, listening to the muffling shouts of Grandeeny.

"I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end of that," Natsu laughed, breaking the silence.

"She seems pretty mad," Wendy said, not turning away from the claw machine.

Lucy nodded, staring down at August. "I would have been mad too if I was her," she said.

"Same, but maybe Zeref had a good reason for not telling us," Natsu said, voicing his opinion on the matter.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Wendy inquired.

"Maybe he couldn't find the right time," Natsu shrugged.

"I don't think that's the reason. Zeref calls at least twice a month, and we talk for like half an hour, so I'm sure he could find the time to say they were expecting," Wendy countered.

"Well, maybe he was scared." 

"Scared of what? He and Mavis have been married for almost three years now, so her being pregnant wouldn't have caused a negative reaction. If they weren't married or even together, then he would have some reason to be scared."

The two stopped arguing and turned to Lucy. "What do you think?" they asked at the same time.

Lucy looked at the two before looking down at the baby in her arms. "Well, I don't think it's my place to have an opinion on this since it has nothing to do with me," she replied.

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