Chapter 5

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Natsu and Lucy lay there for what felt like hours, but it was actually just a few minutes.

"You know our parents are downstairs; I told them what happened," Natsu said, breaking the silence. Lucy untangled herself from Natsu and sat upright. She stayed silent for a moment before speaking, "I want to see them, but first I want to shower. I can still feel his hands on me.".

Lucy's statement both saddened and enraged Natsu. He wanted nothing more than to change what happened, but sadly, he couldn't. "I should have been there sooner," he said lowly.

Lucy didn't seem to hear what he had said since she got up and went straight to Natsu's bathroom. Natsu decided to make himself useful and get Lucy some clothes from her room.

Half an hour later, Lucy and Natsu walked downstairs, practically attached at the hip. Their parents noticed them as they entered the living room and rushed towards Lucy to cover her in hugs and kisses, tearing her off of Natsu in the process. The boy didn't complain, though.

"My baby, are you okay?" Layla asked, frantically searching Lucy's body for any sorts of cuts and bruises.

Lucy forced a smile, attempting to reassure hers and Natsu's parents that she was okay, but they easily saw through it.

Suddenly they heard the front door slam shut and little footsteps running towards the room. "Lucy-nee!" they heard Wendy exclaim as she entered the living room. Wendy ran towards Lucy and wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist.

"How'd you know that I was here?" Lucy asked, hugging the girl back. Wendy smiled brightly as she replied, "I saw your shoes by the door.".

Wendy's sudden appearance eased the tension in the room, something that everyone was thankful for. The family decided to just sit and listen to Wendy tell Lucy all about her day; they didn't bring up the events that occurred today, nor did they speak at all. They just smiled and laughed while Wendy told her story. Eventually Lucy's parents' phones rang, and they excused themselves to answer their call in a different room.

Both Jude and Layla (Lucy's parents) came back to the living room looking upset and conflicted, something everyone took notice of.

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" Lucy asked.

Jude and Layla then told everyone that they both got calls about last-minute meetings for their business and jobs in France and America. The meetings were very important, and they were told not to miss them. Both of them said they weren't going to go and leave Lucy, especially not right now.

"Just go; Lucy can stay here with us as always," Igneel said. Jude and Layla were still unsure whether or not to go, even though they knew that Lucy would be okay with the Dragneels.

"Mom, Dad I'll be fine here, so just go," Lucy said, urging them to go on their business trips. Jude and Layla agreed, sighing, not being able to say no to their daughter. Jude and Layla soon left to get ready for their flights in the morning, but not before showering their daughter with hugs and kisses.

Lucy spent the rest of the day with Wendy and Natsu, watching movies and eating snacks, while their parents were elsewhere in the house. Spending time with her second family made her forget the traumatic events that occurred—well,  at least until she was alone in her bedroom.

Lucy didn't know how long she was lying in bed for, but she was sure that she wouldn't be getting any sleep. Each and every time she closed her eyes, she would see Bora defiling her body; she could see herself screaming. She was scared—scared that she would relive the entire thing if she were to fall asleep. She got up, left her room, and went straight to Natsu's.

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