part one; book three; chapter seven

Start from the beginning

"so i suggest that you speak with chiron to see if there are any activities that you have any interest in," answered annabeth.

i wasn't confused anymore, i understood what people do every single day. but, the one thing I didn't understand was why were people rock climbing over LAVA!?

percy had snapped me out of my deep thinking and told me to go to chiron,

"well, where do i find chiron!?" i asked, worriedly.

they all cracked up, or well, annabeth snickered at my worriedness,

"you've got nothing to worry about, girl. and he's usually out and about training half-bloods at the training area that percy and grover showed you earlier."

i nodded and said my goodbyes to my friends. my back was now turned to them and i was jogging to where i thought i remembered the training grounds were.

i believe my memory was not paying off because i ended up at an old shady-looking building.

'what is this building supposed to be? an old infirmary? an armory?'

you know the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'? yes that except it's 'curiosity killed the (y/n)'...

i walked up to the door and knocked. i didn't get any answer after 5 secs. then 10 secs. then 15-

the door opened slightly and a voice started talking but i couldn't see who it was,

"what do you want?" said the voice.

"im sorry! i just think im lost. oh yeah, this is the new aphrodite daughter, (y/n)."

with that, the door opened a little bit more to the point where i could see the person's fluffy-ish messy hair and mysterious eyes,

"where are you trying to go, new aphrodite daughter, (y/n)?"

it sounded like they were teasing me but not in a harsh way.

"well, i was trying to find the 'training grounds', but i think it's too late for that now."

the door opened to where i could see that the person that was talking to me was nico.

'i don't really know anything about him, but i would like to learn more about everyone here, but especially nico.'

he went back inside and closed the door, so i turned around with my hopes down. but then it opened again and the boy came outside,

"your right, it would be too late for anyone else because everyone is supposed to go to bed at 9:00 and it's already 8:54," he said to me,"the walk from here to the training grounds is probably 5 minutes and in 5 minutes, they will be checking the cabins. so if you stayed here until after they check the cabins, then we would be able to do whatever."

i think he was talking to himself, because if he wasn't, then i was not paying attention.

"no, but that wouldn't make sense because you ha are to be in your own cabin," he said to himself, "ok, i've got it. i will shadow-travel with you back to your cabin, so that you get counted. once everything is done, i'll come back for you and i'll take you that we can train of course."

i didn't need to say anything, i just nodded, nervously, as if he was going to test me on everything he just said.

he stepped closer to me and i stayed still,

"don't freak out when i do this okay?" he asked.


he came over to me and grabbed my vision went black, all of a sudden. and then it came back.

as soon as we got to my cabin, he let go, letting me fal for a split second. he then realized that he let go of me and immediately caught me by my waist and pulled me onto my feet, with a steady balance,

"sorry, (y/n). i didn't mean to drop you."

"it's alright," i said while dusting off my butt and shoulders.

"well, bye for now, i guess."  he said.

i walked up toy cabin door and smiled which in return got the smallest smile back.

the door was opened by piper and silene. it's almost like they could feel that i was with somebody.

silene grabbed my hand and pulled me into the cabin, towards her vanity,

"if your going to go on a date with the most mysterious guy in camp, then i'd imagine that you want to look good. right?" asked Piper, while pushing me down to her vanity chair.

i tried to struggle but i couldn't stand up,

"it's not a date. he just said he could take me somewhere to spar for some reason. he probably thought that i wanted to train but it was too late." i answered.

"well, your still getting a makeover."


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